1.9.15 You Are Equipped to Make This World a Better Place

Do you wonder whether your life is making a difference in the world around you? Do you ever ask yourself what your legacy will look like upon your death? These are natural questions and affirm that God ordained our desire to know our lives matter to others. In turn, God has wired each of us to impact our world in our own way.

Photo Courtesy @Shutterstock.com/Ollyy

Photo Courtesy @Shutterstock.com/Ollyy

I, too, ask these questions, especially toward the end of the year when I start thinking about the following year’s goals. I set nine goals for 2015, five achievement goals and four habit goals and am applying a new principle to make forward progress: what gets calendared gets done. I enter only the next step to accomplish each goal and repeat this process weekly. I’ve listed every goal on computer desktop sticky notes so I will remember to read them daily. I was VERY proud of myself for having my goals ready by January 1st—until I heard a sermon that forced me to re-evaluate my goals through a spiritual lens. Andy Stanley, pastor of Northpoint Community, asked a question that exposed how focused I was on myself. It’s a question I think all of us need to ask: What are we going to do to make the world a better place? I reviewed my goals and found two that would allow me to improve our world.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with setting goals to lose weight or exercise more. Goals focused on improving our financial wellbeing are admirable as well. But when we create goals that focus on bettering the lives of others, we are on the right track to fulfill God’s special purpose for each of us. It is not as hard as you might think. We can make our world a better place by embracing four truths found in Exodus 35.


Truth #1- You have what it takes to make this world a better place 

From what you have, take an offering for the Lord. Everyone who is willing is to bring to the Lord an offering of gold, silver and bronze”….Exodus 35:5

If we’re going to make the world a better place, we need to trust that we have enough to make a difference. God designed our personality just the way He wants it, so how we express ourselves is unique. We can give our time instead of pass the time. Many of us claim we’re too busy, but I bet many of us can identify time frittered away that we could reallocate to help others. We also have financial resources. When we’re doing something to honor God, He does not ask us to spend beyond our means.


Truth #2 – You have the power to make this world a better place

“Then Moses said to the Israelites, “See, the Lord has chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and He has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts.” Ex 35:31

God seals His Holy Spirit in us once we place our faith in Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior. That means we have His power within us to do great things for Him. Yet how many of us are trying to achieve our goals through human effort? God invites us to avail ourselves to the work of the Holy Spirit in us to achieve our goals.


Truth #3 – You have the skills and knowledge to make this world a better place

“Then Moses said to the Israelites, “See, the Lord has chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and He has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts.” Ex 35:31

When God created us, He already knew what purpose He wanted us to accomplish for Him.  He equipped us with skills, abilities and knowledge. He’s not about to ask us to do something for Him and then not give us the skills and knowledge to do it!


Truth #4 – You have to be willing to make this world a better place 

“And everyone who was willing and whose heart moved him came and brought an offering to the Lord for the work on the Tent of Meeting, for all its service, and for the sacred garments.” Ex 35:21

I appreciate that God grants us free will. God gives us the freedom to serve Him, or not serve Him. The Israelite community chose to participate in the Tabernacle project. God did not strong-arm them into partnering with Him. Instead, God desires those who are willing. He wants His children’s hearts to stir within them to change our world for the better. Can you imagine what our world would look like if every believer was willing to make a difference and said, “I’m all in!” Wouldn’t it be powerful if all Christians felt a strong burden to change the world because their hearts were moved?

Photo Courtesy @Shutterstock.com/David Carillet

Photo Courtesy @Shutterstock.com/David Carillet

God equipped you to make this world a better place, but are you willing? The year is young, so it is not too late to set a goal or two that focuses on helping others. If you’re unsure what that goal looks like, pray for God to reveal it to you. He is the one who has the answer because He is the one who created you, called you, empowered you, and equipped you! Now go make our world a better place to live!! 

I would love to hear your thoughts. Please share your comments by clicking the link below.  


Lee Ann

12.31.14 Three Steps to Achieve Your Goals for 2015

New Year’s Resolutions don’t work for multiple reasons. Most of us make half-hearted commitments as we begin the New Year. Statistics show that 25% of all New Year’s resolutions are abandoned after one week.¹ 60% are abandoned within six months.¹ Most of us make the same resolution over and over without success.

What if instead of half-hearted resolutions, we made meaningful goals for 2015? What steps might we make to accomplish them?

1) WRITE your goals down! When you write down your goals, you increase the probability of accomplishing them by 42 % according to a study by psychology professor, Dr. Gail Matthews.²

2) You must understand your emotional reasons behind the goal. Knowing your emotional “why” will motivate you to keep going when you’re tempted to quit. It’s a good idea to write this down, too.

For example, many of us have been overweight at some point in our lives and have set goals to “lose twenty pounds.” We know we should lose weight in order to be healthier, but that knowledge is not particularly inspiring. If we are going to succeed at losing weight, then we need to connect with our goal emotionally. For example, “I am going to feel great when I can move more freely.” OR “I won’t have to hide under sweatpants and tunics.” Hearing from your doctor that you should lose weight usually doesn’t work. “Shoulds” and “oughts” will not inspire us. Let’s not fall into that trap for 2015. For every goal we set, let’s make sure we tag the emotional “why” behind the goal, which will enhance our chance to succeed.

3) We need to pray about our goals. As Christians, God has told us that if we want to succeed with our goals or plans, we should submit them to Him:

To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the reply of the tongue.” – Proverbs 16:1

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” – Proverbs 16:3

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” – Proverbs 16:9

God invites us to ask His input. If we have made plans that are outside His will, the Lord will give His reply by redirecting us. If we want success with our goals, then God needs to be integrally involved. He tells us to “commit them to Him,” and He will help bring success. Moreover, He will show us the roadmap to get there. It doesn’t get any better than that!

As you make your goals for 2015, I invite you to write them out, find the emotional “why” behind the goal, and then prayerfully submit them to the Lord. Review and pray over them at least once a week. If you invite God to lead you in your goals, 2015 can be your best year yet!


Lee Ann

¹ According to http://www.statisticbrain.com/new-years-resolution-statistics/

² Dr. Gail Matthews, psychology professor of Dominican University in California

12.26.14 Exodus 34

Download Lesson: 12.28.14 Class Notes – Ex 34


I hope you saw a beautiful picture of God’s grace today. Here is a summary of the process God used to restore His children:

•The trigger event for God to restore us is our REPENTANCE.

•Once He sees our broken and contrite heart, God desires to RESTORE the relationship.

•Once He decides to restore us, He’s ALL IN. He renews His covenant of love with us by:

REVEALING His compassion, grace, and abounding love by forgiving us

RENEWING His covenant with His people
 His part is to do wonders and drive out the enemies
 Our part is to obey what the Lord commands us.

•Don’t make a treaty with those who are idolaters

•Smash their sacred stones and Asherah poles

•Don’t worship any other god

•If you intermarry, don’t prostitute yourselves to their gods

•Don’t make cast idols.

REPEATS the requirements of worship
 Celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread
 Don’t come to Him empty-handed. Give Him the firstfruits
 Rest on the seventh day, even during plowing season

•God REINFORCES the “why” behind His requirements – He is a HOLY God and wants us to have an unadulterated relationship with Him by maintaining purity in our own relationships with others.

In case you think God is still displeased with you and that you could never be forgiven or be back in His good graces, I hope that this passage reveals that God’s grace is alive and well and for us. His standards won’t change. He won’t lower the bar for us because He expects us to have respect for Him by obeying what He tells us to do. And there is nothing that He’s asked of us that He hasn’t empowered us to do!

A healthy theology says let go of your past sins. That means come to God with your broken heart because you know you grieved Him – not because you have to face the consequences. When God restores favor, that does not equate to “no consequences” for bad behavior! He is a just God, so He will not leave the guilty unpunished. If we will simply admit that we rebelled and sinned against Him, then watch God’s compassion, grace, and abounding love for us just wash over us. Watch Him cleanse you. Rest in His unconditional love for you. Enjoy finding favor with Him, but with a commitment to obey Him.

12.21.14 Exodus 33

Download Lesson: 12.21.14 Class Notes – Ex 33


Q: In light of this text, what did we learn today that would improve our own prayer life?

•Remind God of His promises

•It’s okay to pray boldly

•Openly share your concerns

•Request His presence in all that we do

•Ask for Him to show us His glory

12.19.14 Will You Be a Part of the Living Giving Journey?

You want to give generously and seek a way to make giving an integral part of your budget, empowering you to change the lives that God has placed in your circle of influence.

•But perhaps, giving has not been a priority for you, because you are strangled by debt.

•Or maybe the idea of giving in order to impact generations to come, feels like a futuristic fantasy.

•Or maybe you’re disappointed that you’re not where you want to be financially, which would allow you to give freely, without a second thought.

I can show you how to use your written budget as a tool to take dead aim at your Living Giving goals, starting with small sums of money.

I can show you how small amounts of money given on behalf of young family members can become large sums through compounding when they grow older—if you are willing to release small dollars now.

I can show you the strong biblical foundation for why we should do this. God wants us to multiply small seeds of money to help our families thrive financially for years to come.

I believe we are not leveraging the tools God has given us. We are too busy driving, barely looking beyond the hood ornament of our car.

Will you join me?

I am looking for a few men and women willing to join a pilot group on a Living Giving journey next year, as I write my book on this topic. I need a small group to test-drive what I’m teaching. Regardless of your level of income or debt, I can help you find a small starting point for building a financial legacy for your family. In return, I ask for your feedback, which will be invaluable.

Photo Courtesy @Shutterstock.com/Monkey Business Images

Photo Courtesy @Shutterstock.com/Monkey Business Images

If you’re interested in joining this small group, you need to meet a few criteria:

Criteria #1: You are a Christian

Just as you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us – see that you also excel in this grace of giving.
— 2 Corinthians 8:7

Since the principles underlying Living Giving are based on Scriptures, our group needs to accept God’s Word as our source of truth. Of course, anyone can achieve Living Giving regardless of faith orientation, but for now I prefer to work with a group who share a Christian worldview.

Criteria #2: You are willing to meet with me once a month during 2015

We will hold twelve meetings through my video conferencing program at a time we all agree upon. If you’ve ever participated in a webinar, then you have an accurate picture of the format. The meetings will not exceed an hour.

Criteria #3: You have a WRITTEN budget for your household

Since Living Giving is an intentional plan, we need to know our cash flow and how much discretionary income we have. It’s not enough to have your budget “in your head” or to have a “strong feel” for your cash flow. If you want to join this group, you are on the honors system regarding a written budget.

Criteria #4 – You are willing to give me feedback

I will be gathering information from you as we go along. For example, I will need to know what parts of the Living Giving plan may not be clear to you. I will want to know what obstacles you faced to start a Living Giving plan. I will want to know your successes! I will want to know how God showed up and perhaps prospered you when you stepped out in faith to give. Please know your finances will remain private. I will not ask you to disclose your income, level of debt, etc.

My promise to you:

•You will experience the extraordinary blessing of joy, stepping out in faith when you don’t believe you have the dollars to give.

•I have been practicing Living Giving for seven years and I can promise that the small seeds I planted have multiplied in such a way I can’t stop giving! This is not a concept. It works!

•Prayer will be a significant foundation for all that we do.

If the Lord is prompting you to join this small group, please email me or call me. If you have other questions that I failed to answer above, please let me know.

As a Christmas gift, to show my appreciation for all of my readers, I have included a link to download an Excel budget spreadsheet: Budget Template 2015. The formulas are already set up for you. You may tweak it to fit your needs. If you need help customizing the spreadsheet, I will be glad to assist you. This is my forte, so please take advantage of my offer!


Lee Ann