2.21.14 Does Your Life Make Sense?

“You were created by God and FOR GOD, and until you understand that, life will never make sense.” – Pastor Rick Warren, Saddleback Church

 ~ ~ ~

I know many professing Christians who appear spiritually lost. They aren’t grounded in the word of God and therefore unable to embrace God’s purpose for their lives. Their walk with the Lord is anemic. They rarely pray to God, nor do they attempt to read the Bible daily, rendering them unable to hear God speaking into their hearts. That’s a tragedy. God has created each of us to be in close fellowship with Him. He tells us that we were created to experience life “abundantly.” I want everyone to understand that their lives have meaning. No one was meant to merely take up space on this earth and endure life.  

I’d like to share some key passages that have spoken to me, showing me that my life has purpose and meaning. I hope they will inspire you to see your life in a different light. 



For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (Psalm 139:13-14)

I love the image of God, who “knit me together in my mother’s womb.” We aren’t DNA haphazardly thrown together during our parents’ night of passion! The Lord prepares the blueprint for our physical structure, our personality, our talents, and the abilities He wanted us to possess. God was meticulous in His design of us.  

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jer 1:5)

God knows us before He even forms us. Before we’re born, He already knows how He wants to set us apart and use us in His kingdom.  



“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” (Jer 29:11-12)

God already has our roadmap in place. He already has plans in place that only benefit us. Nothing He allows in our life is intended to harm us, but to ultimately lead us to a hope and a future.  

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Eph 2:10)  

“Whatever God creates is exquisitely suited for its purpose. He created the sun to give light: How perfectly it does its work! He created the eye to see: How beautifully it fulfills its object! He created the new man unto good works: How admirably it is fitted for its purpose.” (The Essential Works of Andrew Murray, p. 567)

We may not know exactly what these works are in advance, but God knows. He will show us what they are and how to do them. 



“Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” (I Cor 6:19-20)

I read this and conclude that my life is not my own. When God sent His only son, Jesus, to die for our sins by taking our place on the cross, He bought us. Once we accepted Jesus as our Savior through the forgiveness of sins and committed to honor Him in all that we say and do, we embrace that our life is not to be lived for ourselves, but for God. Life has never been about us and it never will be. 

Photo Courtesy @Istockphoto.com/Mike_Kiev

Photo Courtesy @Istockphoto.com/Mike_Kiev


“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (Phil 2:3-4)

We have a natural tendency toward self-centeredness. When we live by the Spirit, He enables us to be other-centered.  

“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)

When we deny ourselves and choose to relinquish our personal agendas, we allow the Lord to fill our hearts with His agenda each day. We agree with God that our life was created for Him, so we fully surrender ourselves to let His Holy Spirit lead us each day to accomplish His purposes. All of us would love for God to roll out the red carpet and show us in advance what He wants us to do for Him, but that is not walking by faith. When God called Abraham to leave his family, God never told him where He was going to take him. Abraham trusted God and followed Him. Abraham wasn’t given an itinerary or a preview of works to be done, but a promise to be blessed if he would obey God. 



Are you feeling like a spiritual nomad, even as a child of God? May I encourage you? You were fearfully and wonderfully made for the works God has prepared in advance for you. He has sealed you with His Holy Spirit, empowering you to fulfill His purposes. He has equipped you with the gifts, the talents and the abilities to accomplish what He has planned for you. He has asked you to follow Him by faith, not by sight. Will you trust Him to lead you? 



Lord, I bring before your throne every precious child of yours who does not feel a strong sense of purpose or meaning in his or her life. I ask that your Holy Spirit show them daily how they have been “created in Christ Jesus” to do the works you’ve prepared for them in advance to do. May they trust you completely and discover the meaning you’ve given to each of their lives. Lord, for all the believers, I pray that we always remember that we were created for you. May we celebrate how you created us and the plans you have for us. I pray this in the powerful and matchless name of Jesus our Lord, Amen. 

Are you willing to share how you find meaning in your life as a Christ follower in order to encourage other believers?



Lee Ann

2.7.14 What Should We Do?

   Do you catch yourself nurturing thoughts like these?

• I should have remembered to send a birthday card to my friend.
• I should have been gentler in expressing my frustrations to an employee.
• I should have called a recent widow to let her know she’s not forgotten.
• I should have made a better eating choice, but I didn’t.
• I should spend more time with my dad who’s in a nursing facility.

    I am the queen of “should” statements, regularly measuring myself against them. Consequently, I see my failings daily when I generate lists like the above. Don’t I make a great Pharisee? Many of us share this Pharisaic trait of being a rule-follower. Our problem is that we strive to do good by our own strength and not by the power of the Spirit. But why do we gravitate to “should and ought” rules?

    I believe we desire to please our heavenly Father. We understand His unconditional love for us expressed to us through Christ Jesus, so we want to show our love to God as a form of gratitude. When we obey what He says we “should” do, we are demonstrating love to our Father.

    We also lean to “should” rules because God expresses His commandments in Scripture. When He says, “Go and make disciples,” we should go make disciples. When He says, “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, and with all of your mind,” we should do so.

    We also play the “should” rules in our head when we fall short. Paul says it the best in Romans 7:18-21: “For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do – this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me.” Paul gets it. We know what we should do, but our sinful nature competes with us. When we desire to do good, but don’t do it, it’s because our sinful nature won.

    So how do we free ourselves from the litany of all of our failures? Galatians 5:25 says, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” I’m proposing that we start each day with only one “should” rule to “keep in step with the Spirit.” Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to show us what we “should” do throughout our day. Then let’s trust Him to show us. Our part is to listen and respond to His promptings immediately. Why immediately?

Photo Courtesy @ IStockphoto.com/Aviator70

Photo Courtesy @ IStockphoto.com/Aviator70

    I no sooner hear His whisper to do something, and I procrastinate. I tell myself I’ll do it later, except when later arrives, I have already forgotten what He whispered. Or I remember His whisper days after I was prompted. The moment is lost. When the Spirit speaks to us, I don’t think He’s trying to assist us in building a “to do” list. I think He’s looking for obedience at that moment. If we delay acting upon His prompting, then we’ve lost step with the Spirit.

    Suppose the Spirit brings to mind a friend that you haven’t talked to in a while. Let’s consider this prompting as the Spirit’s invitation to partner with Him to reach out to this friend in the present moment. So what if you’re in a meeting when your friend comes to mind? Then immediate obedience is a quick arrow prayer to God for your friend. What if you’re in your office where you have some freedom to do something more? Immediately send an email to let your friend know that you’re thinking of him or her. What if you’re in your car? If you can drive hands free, call your friend as soon as the Spirit whispers the name!

    Most of us miss too many opportunities to partner with God when the Spirit has prompted us to action. We choose to delay, believing it will be more convenient to act later. By the end of the day, we are inundated by the list of “should” statements highlighting our shortcomings. So let’s make a change to face only one “should” rule a day, but then have fun with it.

Photo Courtesy @ IStockphoto.com/aldomurillo

Photo Courtesy @ IStockphoto.com/aldomurillo

   Challenge: Let’s start our day with this prayer, “Father, may your Holy Spirit reveal to me throughout the day what I “should” do, and help me respond immediately to be obedient.”



Lee Ann

1.24.14 It’s Time to Punt the Diet

    Have you always wanted a good reason to quit dieting? I’ve got one: It doesn’t work. So, stop it. Stay with me, and I’ll tell you why. And don’t write me off as someone who couldn’t possibly understand the ins and outs of battling weight. It’s true that for the first forty years of my life, I could eat whatever I wanted without gaining an ounce. My mother, who occasionally struggled with her weight, used to tease me. “Your day is coming,” she’d say. “You just wait.” I laughed her off, but not anymore.

    The pounds started sneaking up on me during my mid-forties. As each year passed, my clothes became more and more snug. I accepted the weight gain as normal; it’s common knowledge that as we age, our metabolism slows down. But I did nothing to modify my eating habits to account for this fact. I remained physically active, but I continued to enjoy high-calorie meals and sweets. My weaknesses included pizza, pastas, and lots of bread. My favorite desserts included cookies, cakes and pies. By the time I was 48, I was 22 pounds overweight.

Photo Courtesy @IstockPhoto.com/Zurijeta

Photo Courtesy @IstockPhoto.com/Zurijeta


    Shortly after Christmas, in 2008, I was lying in bed and noticed my tummy. “You look pregnant.” I thought. I was repulsed by what I saw and soon joined the ranks of dieting Americans. I had great success at first. I truncated processed sugar. Desserts (cookies, cakes and pies) were immediately off limits. If I needed something sweet, I ate fruit. I lost 11 pounds in 30 days! I was so excited!

    I also consulted my nurse practitioner. She recommended Forever Young in Diet and Lifestyle by Dr. O’Keefe, a cardiologist in Kansas, and his wife Joan, a registered dietician. They suggested eating one meal a day of salad and lean protein and as many vegetables as you wanted. I love salads, so this was easy and enjoyable. I also continued to work out regularly and walk every day. After a year, I lost another 21 pounds. I was thrilled! I was 32 pounds lighter, felt great, and my clothes fit comfortably. I thought I was a successful dieter, until the weight started to reappear.

    The next round of weight gain occurred over two years while I was undergoing hormonal changes common to women my age. I was still physically active and eating the right foods, but I gained back 28 pounds. I felt so frustrated. How could I be making good eating choices, exercising, and still gain weight? It was unfair! I didn’t feel rewarded for making the right choices. In my frustration, I began looking for answers. I sought input from my nurse practitioner, I searched WebMD, I went through health books, and I still couldn’t find a satisfying answer. I was scared and wondered, if I was making good eating choices, exercising, and still gaining weight, at what point would the weight gain stop? Or would it?! I felt out of control.

    I was tempted to blame my extra pounds on menopause and conclude that I couldn’t fight it. But I didn’t want to settle for that. I saw women older whose weight seemed healthier than mine, which was all the proof I needed that a healthy weight was achievable at my age.

    While I continued to look for answers on how to reverse my trending weight gain, I started to lose again, even as I indulged in occasional desserts. I was delighted, but I didn’t know what triggered it. I still felt a lack of control and wanted to understand what was happening to my body. The same healthy eating habits that appeared to be ineffective against weight gain were now conducive to weight loss.

    One day when perusing one of my favorite websites, TED.com, I stumbled upon the answer. (If you don’t know about the TED talks, they are a series of live events in which thought leaders communicate big ideas.)  Neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt, argued that most diets do not work, which she backed up with scientific research. Through neuroscience, she helped me understand and appreciate how God created our bodies. The following points helped me accept that God had designed my body and that I could be happy at whatever weight I found myself:

  1. Hunger and energy use are controlled by the brain. Our brain senses what we should weigh, regardless of what we think. Everyone has a unique “set point,” which varies ten to fifteen pounds in either direction. The brain functions like a thermostat or fuel gauge, keeping our weight within that range. Successful dieting doesn’t lower this set point. If we lose significant weight, our brain perceives that we are starving. It protects us by slowing down the metabolism to conserve our energy. The natural by-product is weight gain.
  2. Diets are not reliable. Five years after dieting, most people gain their weight back. Forty percent will gain even more weight. The common outcome of dieting over the long run is adding more weight.
  3. The four variables that matter most in managing weight are eating more fruits and vegetables, exercise, eliminating smoking, and reducing alcohol intake. Implementing just one of these healthy habits significantly reduces our risk of premature death whether we are overweight, obese, or at a normal weight.

    Dr. Aamodt emphasizes that we should listen to our bodies, eating when we feel hungry and stopping when we are full. And while it is advice we’ve heard before, she specifies this habit as “mindful eating,” adding that it took her a year to listen to her body well. You can listen to her 12-minute talk here: http://www.ted.com/talks/sandra_aamodt_why_dieting_doesn_t_usually_work.html

    Dr. Aamodt’s talk freed me, and I believe it can free you. I now embrace the fact that God wired my body to have a certain set point appropriate for my physical frame and that my weight will fluctuate within a ten to fifteen pound range. This is a logical, scientific answer. As a Christian, I understand it is my duty to be a good steward of this body. I understand that I control the food I put in it and how much energy I expend (calories burned) through physical activity.

    Together we can lose pounds and maintain our optimal weight by embracing these facts that will free us to quit “fighting” our weight and enjoy food as our “friend.” Let’s punt the diets that don’t work and accept God’s design for our bodies.

Photo Courtesy @IstockPhoto.com/esolla

Photo Courtesy @IstockPhoto.com/esolla


  What is your experience with dieting? Do you agree with Dr. Aamodt’s idea that diets don’t work and that we should move to “mindful eating?”  


Lee Ann

1.10.14 I Want to Read the Bible, But…

   George Barna, a highly regarded researcher for churches nationwide, reported from his “State of the Bible 2013” survey that the vast majority of Americans – approximately nine out of ten – own a Bible. However, only thirteen percent actually read their Bibles daily. About half of Bible owners will pick it up and read it four times a year. But the most interesting finding was that most people wish they read their Bible more than they do.  

   Don’t all Christians want to read their Bible cover to cover every year? Don’t we all want a closer relationship with God? Of all the books we consume, it makes sense to me that God’s Word deserves our highest priority, which is why I always set a goal to read the Bible over the course of a year, beginning in January. It saddens me to report that I fail to achieve this goal more often than I accomplish it. I don’t think I’m alone.  

   Here are some reasons I think we fail: 

  • Some experience reading the Bible like doing chores. It feels more like work than pleasure.
  • Some are intimidated by the size of the Bible. It reminds them of War and Peace.
  • Some think the Bible is hard to understand on their own, so why bother?
  • Some rationalize that they are in the Word regularly by listening to sermons, attending Sunday School classes, or home bible study groups.

   So what’s my excuse? I am guilty of thinking that I “should” read the Bible in one year! I worry that I’ll miss out on deepening my understanding of His truths and principles to live my life more abundantly and joyfully if I don’t adhere to a regular schedule, reading the Bible start to finish annually. But that goal is too ambitious given the small margin of time in my schedule. I frustrate myself regularly when I attempt to read too many passages just to keep up with a reading plan. I feel like I am speed-reading. Or if I get behind in a reading plan, I spend weekends trying to catch up. Unfortunately, reading the Bible then becomes something on my “to do” list, rather than a joy to know God more deeply. I’ve decided to change course and think outside the box. Photo Courtesy @IStockphoto.com/stdemi

Photo Courtesy @IStockphoto.com/stdemi


   First, I’ve chosen a customized pace that’s right for me. I’ve set a goal to read the Bible in two years. I have bible software that allows me to choose how many days I want to take to read the Bible cover to cover and set the start date. Second, I found a dear friend who also wants to read the Bible over a two-year period, and we are holding each other accountable. We send emails daily to share how God speaks to us, which gives us encouragement. We started on Christmas Day. After two weeks into the scheduled readings, the two-year plan feels significantly more manageable and enjoyable. I reflect more instead of speed-reading.

   Are you one of the people who “wish they read their Bible more?” Would you like to try the two-year reading plan? If yes, I have included a link below to a two-year reading plan that assumes a start date of February 1, 2014. If you would like to go even slower, e.g. a three-year reading plan, please let me know, and I will be happy to send it to you with your desired start date.

 2-YR Reading Plan starting Feb 1, 2014


Lee Ann

12.22.13 My Tribute to Tinsley and Betty Ann Penick

   This is the tribute that I shared with my parents on behalf of my brother, Gene, and me. My parents, Gene and I were overwhelmed by the outpouring of love shown by many of our family and friends during such a busy time of year. This celebration was a significant highlight for 2013, and I am sharing it with you along with some pictures:  

Gene, Tinsley, Betty Ann, and Lee Ann

Gene, Tinsley, Betty Ann, and Lee Ann

   You and I are here because we all love, respect, and adore Tinsley and Betty Ann. I want to tell you a bit of our story so you will understand why Gene and I felt it was important to celebrate them on their 40th wedding anniversary.  

   Do you remember what it felt like to be ten years old? If you have a short memory, then think about your own kids when they were that age! Imagine becoming a single parent with two children to support, nine and ten years old. Not only would you be concerned with clothing and feeding them, but how would you provide security for them after their world had been turned upside down? My Mother is a special woman, who found inner strength to persevere through unchartered waters. Even while she was working through her own pain, she never let it show. She was our rock when the home was broken. She provided security and stability for us while she was regrouping financially and emotionally.  

Mother.Tinsley Listening Smiling

   Gene and I deeply love, respect and admire Mother because she successfully modeled that you can begin again. Looking back, as Gene and I discussed our past, we wondered, how was she able to accomplish this? Mother made three significant decisions to begin again.  

   1) She began again by drawing on her faith in God. She never lost faith that her perfect Father in heaven would take care of us. As far as I’m concerned, this was her most significant decision. She made sure we were at church so that we could continue to grow in our relationship to God. As children we learned that God is always faithful even in the hardest of times. This one decision showed us that “family” was not just a genogram with names and descendants listed. We discovered an extended family through our local church. Some of our fondest memories during a difficult chapter in life were our fellowship times at church. By God’s grace, we experienced God’s loving arms around us through the many believers who loved and supported us.

   2) Mother began again by drawing on the resources available to her. She had a BBA in Accounting along with a teaching certificate, so her second major decision was to work outside the home. Mother worked as a bookkeeper in the early 1970’s. This was before mobile banking! Ledgers were still kept by hand. Quickbooks was not even on the horizon.  When business owners needed their profit and loss statement calculated, or they needed help with payroll taxes, they would bring their bank statements to their accountant.  

   3) Mother began again by choosing to love again. One day, Tinsley Penick, owner of the Austin Country Club Golf Shop, brought his bank statements to his accountant’s office, where he happened to notice a pretty young lady named Betty Ann who was the bookkeeper. As Mother put it, “it was very romantic” being courted in an accounting office. A few sparks started to fly between them, and before long they were dating. 

   Their courtship was tested early, however. Tinsley and Mother were out on a drive one day, and Mother noticed that the needle on the fuel gauge was pointing squarely on “E” for empty. Mother suggested that he should stop and gas up, but Tinsley said, “Don’t worry about it. We’ll be fine.” Until they ran out of gas. Tinsley didn’t appreciate Mother telling him what to do, and Mother didn’t appreciate that they were stranded. “Would you like to get out of the car and go with me to get gas, or do you want to stay there,” Tinsley offered. “Neither!” Mother responded. And that’s just how they’ve always rolled in their relationship!! 

Mother Enjoying Herself

   Imagine this handsome young golf pro, who has fallen in love with a beautiful woman with two kids from a previous marriage, now ages 12 and 13. In today’s culture, many men dating women with kids would look at Gene and me as a drawback to getting married. But that was not the case with Tinsley. Tinsley unconditionally loved us, and on December 22, 1973, Tinsley and Mother committed before God to love one another until “death do us part.”  

   It didn’t take long to figure out that what Tinsley and Mother had in common was a great sense of humor. Tinsley and Betty Ann are just funny people. I think everyone of you in this room would attest to that. They make us laugh! Tinsley is like his father. He has the amazing dry wit about him, while Mother is quick-witted. When you get the two of them together, it is just a great time.  

   I also learned that he liked doing things as a family, and he didn’t hesitate to include us in the things that were of interest to him. Our family will never forget the time Tinsley wanted a diversion from the busy life of a golf pro. He decided it would be fun to make some extra money selling honey. He announced to our family that Matthew Community Elementary School was offering a course on beekeeping. Tinsley thought it would be a fun family affair if all of us went to this evening course once a week to study beekeeping. We hit a snag early on. Gene and I lasted only one evening. At 12 and 13 years old, we had less than ZERO interest in learning about beekeeping, so now the family venture was down to Mother and Tinsley. 

   After four weeks of study, Tinsley became the proud owner of a beekeeping certificate. He couldn’t wait to start making more money by selling mesquite honey. He acquired four hives to start his beekeeping career. But the bees needed to live somewhere. To get the best mesquite honey, you needed to place the hives where the mesquite was. So Tinsley landed on Lytton Springs, TX, near Lockhart, which was about a 50-minute drive from Austin. He loaded up his truck with the hives, and deposited them in Lytton Springs. That was a good start for someone who was beginning his beekeeping career. Since Tinsley was the only one by now with a passion for bees, and since the hives were out of town, this beekeeping venture was out of sight, out of mind for the rest of the family.

Tinsley quickly learned that being a full-time golf pro limited his travel time to Lytton Springs to check on his bees. So, unbeknownst to us, he made the decision to bring the hives to our house and set them up under our deck without telling Mother. 

   Our deck was our favorite place in the house with incredible views of the surrounding landscape. The deck went from the kitchen area, which was one side of the house, and wrapped around to the master bedroom, which was the other side of the house. It was built on pillars, so there was open space under the deck. From this perch, we could see above the tree tops, and out to the 360 highway and watch the sun set. It was a great place to hang out.  

   Two years went by and seemingly out of nowhere, of all things, we started to run into issues with bees. Mother and I would step out onto the deck, and bees were everywhere. She kept asking Tinsley, our certified beekeeper, “Where are these bees coming from? I’ve never seen anything like it.” Tinsley didn’t have much to offer. In the meantime our ability to enjoy the deck kept diminishing.  

   One day Mother had a maintenance man come to the house to work on a project that required him to go below the deck. There he discovered four hives and a swarm of bees. He promptly informed my Mother of the situation, and according to Tinsley, she went ballistic. She called Tinsley at the golf shop and said, “You have one hour to get these bee hives out from under the deck!!!”  

   Do you know how hard it is round up bees?! Tinsley put on his special white beekeeping jumpsuit that protected him from being stung. And then he retrieved his smoker. Apparently, when you create smoke around a bee hive, the bees think there is a forest fire, so they all go huddle in the hive. Tinsley was able to gather the bees. With a help of a friend, Tinsley loaded up his truck and transported four hives back to Lockhart and just left them there. That’s when his beekeeping career ended. His smoker became contraband in our house. 

Tinsley Laughing

   Tinsley, to his credit, did not give up on doing things as a family. During the early years of his marriage to my mother, Tinsley shared his passion for golf with us, but I was the only who gravitated to it at the time. Some of you may not know that during the summers when I was a teenager, I worked in his golf shop at the Austin Country Club. Not only did I get to spend time with Tinsley at his workplace, but he made sure that I had the opportunity to learn how to play golf. Before that, I was your typical kid who thought golf was boring to watch on TV. But as soon as Tinsley put a club in my hand, I formed a brand new opinion about golf. I got hooked, and I have loved it ever since – thanks to Tinsley who introduced me to golf and his father, Papa Harvey. 

   There are so many other things I could share, but Tinsley, I have loved you from the moment I met you. You are such a sweet-spirited man, easy to be around, and fun to talk to. I can’t think of one time when I’ve felt guarded around you. I can say anything that’s on my heart, and you listen without judging. If there is a model to be made for stepfathers, YOU are it. Thank you for always being there for Mother, for Gene, and for me. 


   Gene and I feel blessed beyond measure that the good Lord brought the bookkeeper and the beekeeper together. Mother and Tinsley, we love you, we adore you, and we think the world of you. On behalf of Gene and me and your family and friends, congratulations on 40 years of marriage! May the good Lord continue to bless you. We look forward to celebrating you again in another ten years.

Gene and Mother both clapping


Lee Ann and Gene