3.18.16 A Christian Approach to Healthcare Coverage that Works

What if you could reduce healthcare costs while at the same time give to those who are overwhelmed by medical bills they can’t possibly pay on their own?   For years I carried a high deductible insurance plan, which in theory should come with a lower premium. The money I saved went into a separate […]

3.11.16 God Wants You to Come Home

I love Easter. I enjoy coming together with other believers and worshipping Christ. I can’t wait to sing “Christ, the Lord, Has Risen Today,” or “Up From the Grave He Arose,” and “Crown Him with Many Crowns.” To this day these lyrics make me cry. Easter brings a powerful message of hope to a hurting […]

12.30.15 Why Most of Us Don’t Achieve Our Goals

According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, only 8% of people who make New Year’s Resolutions achieve them. Why do most of us quit before we barely get started? I set goals every year, but like most of you, my zeal to do them starts to fade as the months go by. Never mind that […]