4.24.15 My Last Hour With Dad

Wednesday, April 8th, 4:30 pm, the charge nurse at Dad’s care facility called to inform me that Dad was having difficulty breathing, and they had called an ambulance. I wasn’t alarmed. Dad might be having an allergic reaction to medication, which could be easily treated. He’s been taken by ambulance in the past for chest […]

4.10.15 My Father Passed Away

My father passed away on Wednesday evening. Retiring as a lieutenant commander in the Navy was quite an achievement, but what he cared about the most was the spiritual legacy he left us. I look forward to sharing it with you. In the meantime, please pray for our family.   I will return to regularly scheduled posts in a few […]

3.27.15 Do You Have to Say “YES” to Jesus in Order to be Saved?

I was playing golf with a good friend when he posed this question on the third tee box: “Do you believe that a person has to say, ‘yes,’ to Jesus to be saved?” He continued. “If Christ’s death on a cross made salvation available to all mankind, then doesn’t everyone have salvation without saying ‘yes’ […]

3.6.15 Can You Worship God While Holding a Cellphone?

I like technology and its many benefits. I especially like my cellphone. How many of us can say we imagined a device like this twenty years ago? I love these features: Its portability Internet access Quick and efficient communication via texting. GPS for easy navigation. Apps that replicate software I like to use on my […]