2.6.15 Is Suicide Considered the “Unpardonable Sin?”

One evening while I was leading bible study, a new Christian asked, “Does the Bible teach that suicide is an unpardonable sin?” She grew up in the Catholic Church where her priest taught that suicide was an act against God and a sin for which one could not repent. If one could not repent, then […]

1.23.15 Is Your Bank Account Ready for Your Retirement?

As a financial advisor, I work with clients to build their portfolios in order to achieve their life goals. Over the last ten years, I have noticed a shift in thinking about retirement age among my clients. After being stung by the stock market crash following 9/11/01 and the global financial meltdown of 2008, age […]

1.9.15 You Are Equipped to Make This World a Better Place

Do you wonder whether your life is making a difference in the world around you? Do you ever ask yourself what your legacy will look like upon your death? These are natural questions and affirm that God ordained our desire to know our lives matter to others. In turn, God has wired each of us […]

12.31.14 Three Steps to Achieve Your Goals for 2015

New Year’s Resolutions don’t work for multiple reasons. Most of us make half-hearted commitments as we begin the New Year. Statistics show that 25% of all New Year’s resolutions are abandoned after one week.¹ 60% are abandoned within six months.¹ Most of us make the same resolution over and over without success. What if instead […]

12.19.14 Will You Be a Part of the Living Giving Journey?

You want to give generously and seek a way to make giving an integral part of your budget, empowering you to change the lives that God has placed in your circle of influence. •But perhaps, giving has not been a priority for you, because you are strangled by debt. •Or maybe the idea of giving […]