4.16.23 1 Samuel 26

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David has a second chance to kill Saul, but he spares him. Again, we learn the wonderful truth that God protects His people, delivers them, and vindicates them as they trust in Him. This lesson should lead us to experience hope and encouragement because of God’s ultimate protection and vindication through His Son Jesus.

4.2.23 Titus 3

Download Lesson: 4.2.23 Class Notes – Titus 3


The letter makes it plain that the Christian life is grounded in the grace of God (2:11–14). Believers must recognize this truth and rebuke heresy and avoid legalism (1:10–16). This can be done only by grace; grace that saves, grace that teaches, grace that strengthens, and grace that enables. In so doing we can see the relationship between doctrine and practice.

3.12.23 1 Samuel 25

Download Lesson: 3.12.23 Class Notes – 1 Sam 25


We never have to stay stuck in fear or defeat, thinking that our situation will never change. As we are faithful to His word and His leadership, God can do in just a moment what may take years to work through by ourselves. Abigail’s story reminds us again that God sees the heart, and He works powerfully on behalf of those who choose to follow Him.

3.5.23 1 Samuel 24

Download Lesson: 3.5.23 Class Notes – 1 Sam 24


It is important that we always test circumstances by the Word of God. So tender was David’s heart that he repented openly of his rash deed of cutting Saul’s robe; for he had not shown proper respect for the Lord’s anointed. David, “a man after God’s own heart,” was willing for God to take care of Saul (Rom. 12:19–21).