2.26.23 1 Samuel 23

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It was important that David live, for it was he who would deliver Israel, establish the kingdom in glory, and become the father of Christ in the flesh (Rom. 1:3). Satan used Saul to seek to kill David, but God was too strong for the enemy. As long as David sought the mind of the Lord, God gave him protection and victory.

2.19.23 1 Samuel 22

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This period of persecution in David’s life was a part of the preparation for the throne. He was already a great soldier; now he needed to suffer in the wilderness to learn not to trust men but to trust the Lord. All of us need “wilderness testings” to bring us closer to the Lord and to make us better equipped to serve Him.

2.12.23 1 Samuel 21

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It is amazing how men and women of faith can gradually become men and women of fear and unbelief. If we get in a hurry, trust people, and trust our own plans, before long everything falls to pieces, and we find ourselves out of the place of God’s blessing and protection. Let’s keep our trust in the Lord.

2.5.23 Ephesians 6:10-24

Download Lesson: Class Notes – Eph 6.10-24


In Paul’s great love, for those who follow Christ, he does not try to candy-coat what lies ahead. There will be spiritual battles. (Read 2 Timothy 3:12.) All believers will face spiritual trials, far beyond our physical strength and capabilities. But, the good news is God will never leave his children on their own, to face the enemy. He has supplied all we will ever need, to stand strong. We must avail ourselves of these weapons; we must put on our armor and be prepared for the battle.

1.22.23 Ephesians 6:1-9

Download Lesson: 1.22.23 Class Notes – Eph 6.1-9


If we are filled with the Holy Spirit and are joyful, thankful, and submissive, then we can enjoy harmony in the relationships of life as we live and work with other Christians. We will also find it easier to work with and witness to the unbelievers who may disagree with us. The fruit of the Spirit is love, and love is the greatest adhesive in the world!