10.9.22 1 Samuel 19

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Michal’s example does not give Christians, or anyone else, permission to lie for the sake of personal convenience, or to hide wrongdoing. But Michal’s actions demonstrate that, within an environment where human sin abounds, it is not always possible to choose between pure good and pure evil.

9.25.22 1 Samuel 17

Download Lesson: 9.25.22 Class Notes – 1 Sam 17


The practical lesson here is that God gives victory in response to our faith. God had tested David privately with a lion and a bear; now he was to test him openly with a giant. If we are faithful in the private battles, God will see us through the public testings. Too often God’s people faint at the smallest test that comes their way, little realizing that the “little tests” are but preparation for the bigger battles that are sure to come (Jer. 12:5).

9.18.22 1 Samuel 16

Download Lesson: 9.18.22 Class Notes – I Sam 16


God’s action followed His omniscient plan in such a way as to use Saul’s disobedience as the human occasion for implementing His higher plan. God had permitted the people to have the king of their choice. Now that that king and their mistake in choosing him had been clearly manifested, God proved the superiority of His own wisdom in raising up a king who would come in fulfillment of His perfect will.