7.10.22 Galatians 2

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If a man could get right with God simply by observing the Jewish law, then Jesus died in vain. This is a pivotal statement in the letter. Life through faith in Jesus is liberation. The law stood for judgment and condemnation. Faith stands for forgiveness and freedom. The Galatian Christians, then, are free from the oppressiveness and irrelevance of Levitical law. Paul’s authority in declaring this freedom for Gentile believers has been authenticated.

7.3.22 Galatians 1

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Paul had taught the Galatian Christians that their salvation depended solely on their faith in Jesus. This great gift was by the grace, the unmerited favor, of God. The Judaizers had come along to add another requirement: Gentile converts must become Jewish proselytes. The old and the new way must not be mixed. Salvation, by God’s graciousness, is now free. It comes exclusively through faith in Jesus. He says, don’t clutter up free grace with the old out-moded forms of gaining favor with God through the kinds of activities which the law required.

6.12.22 1 Samuel 10

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Saul started out with so much promise. He was chosen and anointed by God. He was filled with the Holy Spirit. He had the support of a man of God like Samuel. He had been given gifts appropriate to royalty. But despite all these great advantages, Saul can still blow it. Will he walk in the advantages God had given him so far, or will he go his own way? What about us? Are we stewarding His gifts and His anointing?

5.22.22 1 Samuel 8

Download Lesson: 5.22.22 Class Notes – 1 Sam 8


The request for a human king was not in itself improper, for God had promised such a leader. But the refusal to wait for God’s timing was clearly displeasing to the Lord and to His prophet, Samuel. We can never go wrong seeking God’s leadership through prayer. We need to hear His voice first and foremost, and then obey.