5.15.22 2 Timothy 4

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Second Timothy teaches us about the importance of our theological heritage (1:14). Paul had much to say about what God has done in Christ, our Savior. Jesus Christ has been revealed, destroyed death, and given us life and immortality (1:8–10). The foundation of the Christian life is what God has already done for us in Christ. We should live boldly, for we have received “a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline” (1:7). These truths about the gospel and Christian living are available to us in God’s inspired Scripture (3:15–17). Now we, like Timothy, should pass on these truths to faithful men and women who can teach others also (2:2).

5.8.22 2 Timothy 3

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The purpose of Bible study is not just to understand doctrines or to be able to defend the faith, as important as these things are. The ultimate purpose is the equipping of the believers who read it. It is the Word of God that equips God’s people to do the work of God. We must separate ourselves from that which is false, devote ourselves to that which is true, and continue in our study of the Word of God. Then God can equip us for ministry in these difficult days, and we will have the joy of seeing others come to a knowledge of the truth.


5.1.22 2 Timothy 2

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We can see how important and how demanding a work it is. The ministry is no place for a loafer because it demands discipline and work. It is no place for a shirker because there are enemies to fight and tasks to be completed. Church members need to pray for their pastors and encourage them in the work of the Lord.

4.24.22 2 Tim 1

Download Lesson: 4.24.22 Class Notes – 2 Tim 1


In these difficult days, it is important that we stand true to Christ and be willing to suffer for Him and not be ashamed. We may not be put into prison, as was Paul; but we suffer in other ways: the loss of friends, being bypassed for a promotion, loss of customers, being snubbed by people, etc. It is also important that we stand by God’s servants who are suffering for righteousness’ sake.

4.10.22 1 Samuel 7

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God wants confession of sin to accompany cries for help. He defines repentance as turning away from all substitutes for Him and turning in obedience to Him. Upon our confession of sin, what spiritual resolutions do you want to make at this point of your life? What obstacles stand in the way?