8.22.21 Esther 5

Download Lesson: 8.22.21 Class Notes – Esther 5


God is still on His throne in every circumstance of life. His throne represents His sovereignty He is never taken by surprise by the events that happen in our life. Let’s approach His throne of grace boldly and with confidence, knowing that as His child, we have His favor as he works out His purpose for each of us. And no matter what, because He has our best interest at heart, we will trust whatever the outcome is.

8.15.21 Esther 4

Download Lesson: 8.15.21 Class Notes – Esther 4


We cannot help but see a modern spiritual application of these chapters. Satan is the destroyer, and millions of people are going to go to hell unless somebody rescues them. Some Christians are like the king—eating and drinking and enjoying life, unconcerned about the danger. Others, like Mordecai, are deeply concerned to save the condemned people. And there are the Esther’s too, who sacrifice themselves to intercede on behalf of the lost. Which are you?

8.1.21 Esther 2

Download Lesson: 8.1.21 Class Notes – Esther 2


We are meant to see that God’s plans are not hindered when the events of this world are carnal or secular. His presence penetrates even the godless banquet halls of ancient Persia. In the natural outworking of events, how without violating human free will, and without interrupting the ordinary ongoing of human affairs, God unsuspectedly but infallibly controls all things.