1.3.21 Nahum 3

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The world often displays a disturbing lack of justice. But such lack is largely due to an eroded or illusive standard of morality, which is applauded by many. Regardless of the wishes of the contemporary culture, Nahum teaches that there is an eternal God with an unbending standard of righteousness. He is not only Father and Shepherd; He is also King, Judge, and Warrior, a God of jealousy, vengeance, and wrath.

12.20.20 Nahum 2

Download Lesson: 12.20.20 Class Notes – Nahum 2


  • Hear the Lord’s voice – even above the noise of war!
  • The very things the Ninevites trusted in became their downfall. Do you trust in man or in the Lord? Ps 118:8-9 “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.

12.13.20 Nahum 1

Download Lesson: 12.13.20 Class Notes – Nahum 1


God makes two wonderful promises to His people in this chapter. In 1:7, He assures them of His goodness and tells them they will be safe so long as they trust in Him. In 1:12, He assures them that He will not afflict them again with the Assyrian armies the way Israel had been afflicted before. No matter what the difficulties may be, we can trust God to care for us and see us through.

12.6.20 Malachi 3:16-4:6

Download Lesson: 12.6.20 Class Notes – Mal 3.16-4.6


Malachi speaks to the hearts of a troubled people whose circumstances of financial insecurity, religious skepticism, and personal disappointments are similar to those God’s people often experience or encounter today. The book contains a message that must not be overlooked by those who wish to encounter the Lord and His kingdom and to lead others to a similar encounter. Its message concerns God’s loving and holy character and His unchanging and glorious purposes for His people. Our God calls His people to genuine worship, to fidelity both to Himself and to one another, and to expectant faith in what He is doing and says He will do in this world and for His people.

11.15.20 Malachi 2

Download Lesson: 11.15.20 Class Notes – Malachi 2


A. W. Tozer wrote, “Save me from the curse of compromise, of imitation, of professionalism. Save me from the error of judging a church by its size, its popularity or the amount of its yearly offering. Help me to remember that I am a prophet—not a promoter, not a religious manager, but a prophet” (“The Prayer of a Minor Prophet”). That is the essence of spiritual leadership, to honor God by walking with Him and teaching His truth. “Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching!” (1 Tim. 4:16)