7.5.20 Luke 20:20-26

Download Lesson: 7.5.20 Class Notes – Luke 20.20-26


Give Caesar what he controls, and to give to God what he controls. Caesar’s image is on coins. Let Caesar have coins. God’s image is on people, so we should give ourselves to Him. When it comes to giving “God what is God’s,” would God say we are in the 15% tax bracket? 28%? 100%?

6.28.20 Luke 20:9-19

Download Lesson: 6.28.20 Class Notes – Luke 20.9-19


Jesus told this parable for two main reasons. He wanted to encourage His faithful servants who get beat up and thrown out of the vineyard to keep on being faithful. He owns the vineyard and the main thing is for His servants to bear fruit for Him. Second, He told it to warn those who wrongly think that they own the vineyard that they do not. A day of reckoning is coming!