6.21.20 Luke 19:45-48, 20:1-8

Download Lesson: 6.21.20 Class Notes – Luke 19.45-48, 20.1-8


The problem the Jewish leaders faced is the same problem we’ve all had to face who come into contact with Jesus: His authority confronts our authority. “By what authority” is a fundamental question of life each of us must answer. Will we live our lives under God’s authority or under some human authority, be it yourself or someone else?

6.7.20 Luke 19:11-27

Download Lesson: 6.7.20 Class Notes – Luke 19.11-27


We are living today in the period between Luke 19:14 and 15 when our Master is absent but will return according to His promise. We have been given a task to perform, and we must be faithful until He comes. What will the King say to us when He returns? Will His words mean reward, rebuke, or possibly retribution? “Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful” (1 Cor. 4:2).

5.24.20 Luke 19:1-10

Download Lesson: 5.24.20 Class Notes – Luke 19.1-10


Who is the Zacchaeus in your life right now? Who seems to open and receptive to learn more about the Good News? For Zacchaeus, his day ended in joyful fellowship with the Son of God, for he was now a changed man with a new life. Jesus is still taking the initiative to seek lost people to save them. What is our part? Are we faithfully partnering with Him to introduce lost friends to Jesus?

5.17.20 Luke 18:35-43

Download Lesson: 5.17.20 Class Notes – Luke 18.35-43


What are the lessons found in this story?

  • Jesus never ignores the cry of those who truly call upon Him.
  • Jesus is profoundly compassionate.
  • The Lord has power over all human infirmities.
  • Jesus came to do far more than heal human afflictions, but rather to offer forgiveness and salvation.