4.19.20 Luke 18:1-8

Download Lesson: 4.19.20 Class Notes – Luke 18.1-8


The teaching of the parable is that we must continue in our prayers, even when there seems to be no answer, because God, unlike the unjust judge, is loving, good, and gracious. We persist in prayer not because we have not yet gotten God’s attention, but because we know He cares and will hear us. [Offer the compare/contrast of the persistent widow, her standing with the Lord]

4.12.20 Luke 17:20-37

Download Lesson: 4.12.20 Class Notes – Luke 17.20-37


The kingdom of God begins in the heart of all who believe in Jesus, and it grows and grows like the mustard seed and like leaven until it is fully realized in its millennial glory, which is the final phase of the expanding Kingdom of God on earth. In other words, the Kingdom of God begins as a spiritual Kingdom in the heart but is consummated in a visible Kingdom on earth in the Millennium. In the meantime, we should look for His return and long to see Him come, but at the same time, we should be busy doing His work when He comes.