12.8.19 Luke 13:10-17

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Ask ourselves honestly, “Which marks our life: Dead religion or reality with the living Lord?” If we lack reality, we need, like that of this woman, to make personal contact with Jesus Himself. He alone has the power to release us from dead religion so that we can walk in the joy of new life with Him.

12.1.19 Luke 13:1-9

Download Lesson: 12.1.19 Class Notes – Luke 13.1-9


The fig tree parable has an application to individuals and to the nation of Israel. God is gracious and long-suffering toward people (2 Peter 3:9) and does more than enough to encourage us to repent and bear fruit (Mt. 3:7–10 – John the Baptist had laid his axe to the root of the tree –Mt 3:9). He has had every right to cut us down, but in His mercy, He has spared us. Yet we must not presume upon the kindness and long-suffering of the Lord, for the day of judgment will finally come. (God expects us to bear fruit for His glory. Instead of asking, “Why did others die?” we should ask, “Is it worth it to God for me to be alive?”)

The bottom line: There can be no genuine conversion without genuine repentance. A heart that has never turned to God and from sin, has never experienced regeneration and is still dead it trespasses and sins (Eph 2:1). As the Lord looks at our life right now, does He find any fruit?

11.24.19 Luke 12:49-59

Download Lesson: 11.24.19 Class Notes – Luke 12.49-59


We must apply the truths found in today’s text to our lives personally. If we knew a storm was coming, we would prepare for it. If we knew the officer was coming to take us to court, we would get a lawyer and try to settle the case out of court. The storm of God’s wrath is coming, and the Judge is already standing before the door (James 5:9).

11.17.19 Luke 12:35-48

Download Lesson: 11.17.19 Class Notes – Luke 12.35-48


To “watch” means to be alert, to be ready, not to be caught by surprise. That is the attitude we must have toward the second coming of Jesus Christ. His coming will be like that of a thief: unannounced and unexpected (Matt. 24:43; 1 Thess. 5:2; Rev. 16:15). We must be ready!

11.10.19 Luke 12:22-34

Download Lesson: 11.10.19 Class Notes – Luke 12.22-34


God’s pleasures and our treasures must go together. We must look at earth from heaven’s point of view and make sure that we put God’s kingdom first in everything. The main question is, “Where is your heart?” If our hearts are fixed on the transient things of earth, then we will always worry. But if we are fixed on the eternal, then God’s peace will guard our minds and hearts (Phil. 4:6–9).