11.3.19 Luke 12:13-21

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To be really rich, Jesus says that we must be rich toward God by laying up treasure in heaven. Paul says that we do that when we are rich in good works, generous, and ready to share. We should think of ourselves standing before God, giving an account of what He has entrusted to us. Will we be really rich on that day?

10.27.19 Luke 12:1-12

Download Lesson: 10.27.19 Class Notes – Luke 12.1-12


Jesus gives a clear warning to beware of religious hypocrisy (12:1). This emphasis is heightened by the extensive description of such hypocrisy given in 11:37–54. The Christian’s inner self and outer demeanor are to be the same. We need to realize that ultimately nothing will remain hidden, for a day is coming in which everything hidden will be made known.

10.20.19 Luke 11:45-54

Download Lesson: 10.20.19 Class Notes – Luke 11.45-54


Jesus is the key to the Scriptures (Luke 24:44–48). When you take away that key, you cannot understand what God has written. As helpful and necessary as theological studies are, the most important requirements for Bible study are a yielded heart and an obedient will.

10.13.19 Luke 11:37-44

Download Lesson: 10.13.19 Class Notes – Luke 11.37-44


Christianity is primarily a matter of the heart. Everything flows from a heart relationship with God, who transforms our hearts when He regenerates us. The Jewish religious leaders seemingly were seeking after God, but in reality, they were self-seeking. They didn’t see themselves as sinners in need of a Savior. They saw themselves as good people because they kept the Law. But in reality, they didn’t keep the Law because they didn’t apply it on the heart level. Thus, Jesus in effect said that if they would be as careful about clean hearts as they were about clean hands, then they would be what they ought to be.

10.6.19 Luke 11:33-36

Download Lesson: 10.6.19 Class Notes – Luke 11.33-36


If you are truly receptive to Christ (v. 36a) and there is no hardness of heart in you toward him and his message (v. 36b), then you will truly shine with the light of Christ and his gospel (v. 36c); just like when a shining light illuminates you with its rays, so will Christ illumine you” (v. 36d).