6.23.19 Luke 9:18-27

Download Lesson: 6.23.19 Class Notes – Luke 9.18-27


Jesus laid down the stern requirements for discipleship. We must first say no to ourselves—not simply to pleasures or possessions, but to self—and then take up our cross and follow Christ daily. This means to be identified with Him in surrender, suffering, and sacrifice. You cannot crucify yourself; you can only yield your body (Rom. 12:1–2) and let God do the rest.

6.16.19 Luke 9:10-17

Download Lesson: 6.16.19 Class Notes – Luke 9.10-17


Q: How are we to live in light of this text? The Lord’s command, “You give them something to eat” is simply a restatement of the Great Commission. The lesson is that if we give Jesus what we have, He can multiply it to feed the spiritually hungry multitude.

6.9.19 Luke 9:1-9

Download lesson: 6.9.19 Class Notes – Luke 9.1-9


Q: How are we to live in light of this text?

  • Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears.” We can’t be effective in our ministry to share the gospel if we have these emotional entanglements.
  • Let’s ask ourselves if we’re considering buying, building or doing something that might potentially end up as a heavy burden and hamstring God’s work of ministry in our lives?
  • Christians must center their affections on Christ, not on the temporal things of this earth. Material riches lose their value when compared to the riches of glory.
  • By joining Jesus, we learn a way of life that does not acquire things or amass possessions but responds to God and develops relationships. We invest our energy in people.
  • We’re not using this power and authority to advance the kingdom of God. We’re too complacent, comfortable. It’s time to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit every day.

5.26.19 Luke 8:26-39

Download Lesson: 5.26.19 Class Notes – Luke 8.26-39


Q: How are we to live in light of this text? Jesus proved his power over demons, which allowed a tortured man to become a follower of Christ. There is no one who is out of Jesus’s reach. He has the power to change lives for eternity. Ask the Lord to help you recognize how His power operates in your life.

5.19.19 Luke 8:22-25

Download Lesson: 5.19.19 Class Notes – Luke 8.22-25


Faith must be tested before it can be trusted. It has well been said that faith is not believing in spite of circumstances; it is obeying in spite of feelings and consequences. The disciples looked around and saw danger and looked within and saw fear; but they failed to look up by faith and see God. Faith and fear cannot dwell together in the same heart.