3.10.19 Luke 7:24-35

Download Lesson: 3.10.19 Class Notes – Luke 7.24-35

LOOK: As long as we base our life choices on the Word of God, time will be our defender and will validate the wisdom of our choices. If, over time, we clearly see we are wrong, ask God’s forgiveness and seek a fresh word from God through the Scripture. Then obey that word and watch to see God confirm His wisdom in our lives.

3.10.19 Luke 7:18-23

Download Lesson: 3.3.19 Class Notes – Luke 7.18-23


Are you in a dungeon right now and facing some doubts in your life about the Lord and His Word? Do you doubt His awareness of your problems or His ability to provide solutions? Be reassured! We have no evidence that He has ever forsaken us. He is FOR us, not against us.

2.17.19 Luke 7:1-10

Download Lesson: 2.17.19 Class Notes – Luke 7.1-10


If this Roman, with very little spiritual instruction, had that kind of faith in God’s Word, how much greater our faith ought to be! We have an entire Bible to read and study, as well as nearly 2,000 years of church history to encourage us, and yet we are guilty of “no faith” (Mark 4:40) or “little faith” (Matt. 14:31). Our prayer ought to be, “Lord, increase our faith!” (Luke 17:5)