2.10.19 Luke 6:46-49

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Our Lord’s emphasis here is on obedience. It is not enough merely to hear His Word and call Him “Lord.” We must also obey what He commands us to do. All of us are builders and we must be careful to build wisely. To “build on the rock” simply means to obey what God commands in His Word. To “build on the sand” means to give Christ lip service, but not obey His will. It may look as if we are building a strong house, but if it has no foundation, it cannot last.

2.3.19 Luke 6:40-45

Download Lesson: 2.3.19 Class Notes – Luke 6.40-45


Today’s passage reminds us that we cannot lead others where we have not been ourselves, nor can we be all that our Master is. In fact, the more we strive to be like Him, the more we realize how far short we fall. This is a warning against pride, for nothing blinds a person like pride.

1.27.19 Luke 6:37b-39

Download Lesson: 1.27.19 Class Notes – Luke 6.37b-39


We reap what we sow. If we judge others, we will ourselves be judged. If we forgive, we shall be forgiven, but if we condemn, we shall be condemned (see Matt. 18:21–35). He was not talking about eternal judgment but the way we are treated in this life. If we live to give, God will see to it that we receive; but if we live only to get, God will see to it that we lose. This principle applies not only to our giving of money, but also to the giving of ourselves in ministry to others.

1.20.19 Luke 6:36-37a

Download Lesson: 1.20.19 Class Notes – Luke 6.36-37a


In Isaiah 55:8 we read that God’s ways are not our ways. If we want God’s blessing in our lives, we must go God’s way, which is usually counter to the ways of man. Man’s way is to go easy on ourselves and judge others more harshly than we judge ourselves. God’s way is to be merciful toward others and to judge our own sins. Since it goes against our flesh, it is something we must constantly work at if we want to please God and experience His blessing.