12.30.16 Does Your Yoke Fit?

We have all done it. We have over-committed our time. We have said “yes” to endeavors that are worthwhile, but we underestimated the time involved to perform our roles. The more we invested our energies into these commitments, the less joy and satisfaction we had. As we look to 2017, let’s ask ourselves, “What are we engaging in that is draining us or burning us out?” I want to help us biblically discern whether we should unhook from any commitments or not. To guide us, I want to summarize three simple lessons I learned from Dr. Yount, a former seminary professor of mine. His teaching came from this passage:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt 11:28-30) 

Dr. Yount read this passage in class and asked us, “DOES YOUR YOKE FIT?” His question intrigued us, so we listened as he broke down this passage for us.

Photo Courtesy @www.patheos.com


Lesson #1: We have the POWER of Jesus when we share His yoke

When farmers need to plow their fields, they often place the yoke on two oxen to till the fields. By using two oxen, the synergy of two animals makes cultivating the field easier than if one ox did all the work. Moreover, the farmer makes sure that the yoke fits for each animal. Dr. Yount reminded us that we can be guilty of putting on a yoke that Christ never asked us to wear! Imagine wearing a yoke that choked us every time we exerted effort. Not only would it be painful, but most of us might ask, “Why are we doing this?” If Jesus invites us to wear HIS yoke, then His “yoke is easy and His burden is light.


Lesson #2: We have FELLOWSHIP with Jesus when we share His yoke

When two oxen share yokes, they are not only working together, but they are spending time together. In our walk with Christ, we spend time with Him through prayer. We listen to His voice. He wants us to learn from Him. And we will not find a better teacher to study under than Jesus! Henry Blackaby, the author of Experiencing God, said, “God wants to do extraordinary things through ordinary people like us.” We can’t do extraordinary things without God’s power and help. When God invites us to partner with Him to fulfill our callings, He never asks us to do it alone. We remember that “apart from Him, we can do nothing!” (John 15:5) If the yoke fits, we will experience His fellowship and teachings as we journey with Him.


Lesson #3: We have REST with Jesus when we share His yoke

Jesus invites those of us who are weary and burdened to come to Him. Is it possible that we are not experiencing rest because we’ve taken on a yoke that doesn’t fit? Jesus never intended for us to become run down. If we’re experiencing burnout or chronic exhaustion, that is not from Him. It is likely that we put on a yoke that wasn’t from Him. I can see past chapters of my life where I over-committed because I wanted to please people. I made poor decisions when I prayed for God’s guidance, but then became impatient while waiting for His answer. If He was too slow, I pre-empted the work of the Holy Spirit, and took on yokes that He wasn’t asking me to wear. These were hard lessons to learn.

If the Lord has brought a certain commitment to mind as you’re reading this, perhaps God is asking you to re-evaluate it. Ask, “Does the yoke fit?” If not, TAKE IT OFF! The Lord has a custom-fit yoke that is just for you to help you succeed in your callings. If we wear the right yoke, I feel confident that 2017 can be our best year yet because we’ve partnered with Jesus to accomplish HIS goals. I welcome your thoughts below.



Lee Ann

12.31.14 Three Steps to Achieve Your Goals for 2015

New Year’s Resolutions don’t work for multiple reasons. Most of us make half-hearted commitments as we begin the New Year. Statistics show that 25% of all New Year’s resolutions are abandoned after one week.¹ 60% are abandoned within six months.¹ Most of us make the same resolution over and over without success.

What if instead of half-hearted resolutions, we made meaningful goals for 2015? What steps might we make to accomplish them?

1) WRITE your goals down! When you write down your goals, you increase the probability of accomplishing them by 42 % according to a study by psychology professor, Dr. Gail Matthews.²

2) You must understand your emotional reasons behind the goal. Knowing your emotional “why” will motivate you to keep going when you’re tempted to quit. It’s a good idea to write this down, too.

For example, many of us have been overweight at some point in our lives and have set goals to “lose twenty pounds.” We know we should lose weight in order to be healthier, but that knowledge is not particularly inspiring. If we are going to succeed at losing weight, then we need to connect with our goal emotionally. For example, “I am going to feel great when I can move more freely.” OR “I won’t have to hide under sweatpants and tunics.” Hearing from your doctor that you should lose weight usually doesn’t work. “Shoulds” and “oughts” will not inspire us. Let’s not fall into that trap for 2015. For every goal we set, let’s make sure we tag the emotional “why” behind the goal, which will enhance our chance to succeed.

3) We need to pray about our goals. As Christians, God has told us that if we want to succeed with our goals or plans, we should submit them to Him:

To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the reply of the tongue.” – Proverbs 16:1

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” – Proverbs 16:3

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” – Proverbs 16:9

God invites us to ask His input. If we have made plans that are outside His will, the Lord will give His reply by redirecting us. If we want success with our goals, then God needs to be integrally involved. He tells us to “commit them to Him,” and He will help bring success. Moreover, He will show us the roadmap to get there. It doesn’t get any better than that!

As you make your goals for 2015, I invite you to write them out, find the emotional “why” behind the goal, and then prayerfully submit them to the Lord. Review and pray over them at least once a week. If you invite God to lead you in your goals, 2015 can be your best year yet!


Lee Ann

¹ According to http://www.statisticbrain.com/new-years-resolution-statistics/

² Dr. Gail Matthews, psychology professor of Dominican University in California