11.18.16 Three Truths to Help Us Rest with Trump

Some of us are thrilled to see Donald Trump become our President elect, while some of us are heartbroken that Hillary didn’t win. Some are mourning that we have yet to break the glass ceiling by having a woman serve as our President, while some are so angry at the election outcome that they are protesting in the streets. Many of us are just glad the election is OVER. Whether you’re filled with hope or disappointment, I believe all of us can rest in the outcome of this Presidential election by remembering three truths about God.

Photo Courtesy @ amerika.org

Photo Courtesy @ amerika.org


Truth #1: God is sovereign and carries 51% of the vote in all elections.

“The lot is cast into the lap, but its EVERY DECISION IS FROM THE LORD” (Prov 16:31)

The media had us convinced based on certain polls that Hillary would win this election. As the battle states started to turn more red than blue, the Democrats began to feel uneasy. Political analysts began to admit that these were not good signs for Hillary. By the time the votes were counted, Trump had pulled off an amazing political feat. Political commentators were forced to ask why the polls were so off. Some were suggesting that the pollsters should be fired! The Bible tells us that “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.” (Prov 21:1) God made sure that the majority of hearts were turned toward Trump for this election. It’s good to be reminded that no pollster, no pundit, no person could predict who the Lord would choose.


Truth #2: God is trustworthy.

“Trust in the Lord always, and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Prov 3:5-6)

Mr. Trump makes some people nervous. Hillary has thirty years of experience as a public servant, and Donald does not. Donald boldly announced that he intends to deport at least three million undocumented workers who are criminals. He’s ready to repeal and replace the majority of provisions in the Affordable Care Act. He’s added a controversial Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, who will have significant influence in the White House. Will Mr. Bannon advance unhealthy ideologies found on his website that allowed a platform for white nationalists? Will Trump govern with a level head as he meets with domestic and foreign leaders? It’s hard to trust Trump after watching how he conducted himself throughout his campaign. I understand why there are people who are feeling unsettled with Trump as President.

But our trust is not in Trump! Our trust is in the Lord who allowed Trump the office of President. God already knows Trump doesn’t have any political experience. He knows Trump’s temperament because He created him. He knows his strengths and his weaknesses. God knows exactly what He wants to accomplish in the next four years through Trump. It’s easier to rest in the outcome of this election when we commit to trust in the Lord only, even when the outcome doesn’t make sense to us.


Truth #3: God’s purposes cannot by thwarted.

“I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted. (Job 42:2)

If you’re feeling any angst over this election outcome, I want to invite you to look at the bigger spiritual picture. God gave us the gift of life. He ordained when we arrived and He already knows the day we will die. He allowed us to live in America and for this unique chapter of time. God’s divine purpose underlies everything that happens, including the election of Donald Trump as President. We will get to watch what God is up to over the next four years! I’m sure Mr. Trump will have his successes, and he’ll have failures. That’s our story too, yet God continues to work out His purpose through our lives. I take comfort knowing that God is intentional in this decision because He always has our best interest in mind as a country.

Now that this election is over, God has called us to PRAY for Mr. Trump and those in office who are leading this great country. If we accept that God’s purpose cannot be thwarted, then one of the best ways to show our support for God’s choice is to pray fervently for Mr. Trump and his staff.

Let’s rest in the fact that Trump will be our President by placing all of our trust in God. He is sovereign, trustworthy and faithful to accomplish His purposes. He will do it through Mr. Trump just like He does it through us.

I have provided some truths about God that allows us to rest with Mr. Trump as our new President. Are there other truths about God that helps you rest with the outcome of this election? I’d love to hear your thoughts below.



Lee Ann

7.29.16 Should We “Vote Our Conscience” in This Presidential Election?

When Ted Cruz gave his speech at the Republican National Convention last week, he offended many attendees. When he told them to “vote their conscience,” they booed him because he refused to endorse Donald Trump. If I were in Ted’s shoes, I wouldn’t endorse Mr. Trump either. Nor would I endorse Hillary Clinton. Though I am not a Ted Cruz fan, his message raises a fair question. Should we vote our conscience, implying that we should write in the candidate of our choice? Or do we vote for one of the candidates on the presidential ticket in November? I have struggled with this tension over the last several months. If you’re a fellow struggler trying to figure out who to vote for, I think this post will be helpful. I will offer how we can resolve this tension both practically and biblically.

Photo Courtesy @ cnn.com

Photo Courtesy @ cnn.com

First, is it practical to “vote our conscience?” In case we’re tempted to write in a candidate in November, I decided to be proactive and research the merit of this idea. Here are the key things I learned:

  • If I write in another candidate, I will most likely be assisting Hillary Clinton to become our next President of the United States. That is not my goal.
  • If I don’t vote for Donald Trump, then I will open the door for Congress to add judges with a liberal bent in the Supreme Court. Conservative values will be at risk.
  • If I write in a candidate, it’s doubtful that they could pass through the Electoral College to become our President. I would be wasting my vote.
Photo Courtesy @ hisscrivener.files.wordpress.com

Photo Courtesy @ hisscrivener.files.wordpress.com


According to Burt Helm, a reporter for BusinessWeek Online, writing in a candidate is not the answer. Here’s why it is unproductive. First, not all states allow it. We have six states that ban this altogether. Thus, not all voices would be heard. Second, it’s easy for us to write in a contender. But it is much more complicated than scribbling whatever name we please on the ballot. Thirty-five states require write-in candidates to submit an affidavit at least one month before the election. In North Carolina, these candidates must circulate a petition. Once they receive enough signatures, the polling authorities place their names on a list at the polls, though not on the official ballot. If pollsters don’t receive the proper paperwork for a write-in candidate, they toss the votes.¹

Since writing in a candidate is wasting our vote, let’s look to Scripture. This election highlights a theological conundrum:

If God is sovereign, by allowing Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as the two main presidential candidates, shouldn’t we trust God knowing that He CHOSE these two candidates?


Aren’t we encouraged in Scripture to listen to our conscience?


Here are several verses regarding God’s sovereignty to consider:

“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” (Rom 13:1)

“Trust in the Lord always and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him. (Prov 3:5-6)

“The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord.” (Prov 16:33)


Here are some passages regarding conscience to consider:

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” (Col 2:8)

“Anyone who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” (James 4:17)

“The requirements of the law are written on our hearts, our consciences also bearing witness.” (Rom 2:15)

This last verse teaches that humans, made in the image of God, have an innate sense of right and wrong, a moral monitor that either “approves or accuses.” Conscience serves as an umpire, helping us view life situations in a moral or ethical light.

So what should we do? I wish the Bible plainly stated that either sovereignty outweighs conscience, or vice versa. But it doesn’t. Since “voting our conscience” can lead to wrong conclusions because we are human and miss the mark, I think we should vote for one of the candidates presented on the ballot. Regardless of our concerns about each candidate, God knows their flaws better than we do! God executes His plan without error. He continues to be sovereign and knows exactly what He’s doing. There is a DIVINE REASON on why He’s allowed these candidates on the ballot. We can’t thwart His purposes. I encourage us to completely trust Him. I hope we will continue to fervently pray for the Lord’s wisdom as we cast our vote. In the end the final decision will be from the Lord (Prov 16:33).

Perhaps most of you have a clear idea of how you will vote. But for those who are struggling like me, are there other biblical passages that you can share that will help you make this decision? If you’re open to sharing your thoughts, please type them below.  



Lee Ann


¹ http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2004-11-01/the-ins-and-outs-of-write-ins











12.22.11 Merry CHRISTmas!

You will find below my first video blog.  I just wanted to share what God has been showing me as I journey with my Father.  May you be blessed by it and have a very merry CHRISTmas.


Lee Ann