Teaching Resources

“Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.” (Deut 32:2)

Welcome to the Teaching Resources page. I am blessed to lead two Bible studies each week. I lead a Sunday School class through Riverbend Community Church in Austin, TX. Our hybrid Zoom/in-person class is the People in the Word. I teach a group of men and women who desire to study the Bible. I also lead a Women’s Bible Study group through Union Church.

I noticed over time that my class members desired to learn, so they took notes. One Sunday, I asked them if it would help them if I sent out my lesson plans, and I got a resounding yes. So I have been publishing my lesson plans since May 2011, and I have learned that many love to have them for further study and reflection and to read some of the commentary notes I include. For those who were absent, the class notes helped them catch up and made them feel like they didn’t miss the lesson.

I had no idea that the interest in these lesson plans would be this strong, but I am humbled by the fact that anyone would want to see my work. I am learning that these lesson plans are serving much like a devotional and giving people food for thought. There are people who are not in my Sunday School Classes and/or live out of state who have asked to be on my email list for the class notes. So I am sharing them here for anyone who wants them. If you are a teacher, I especially invite you to download them if it will help you in your preparation to teach others. If you are learner, please read the text and enjoy the outline of observations and questions that were processed in my class and the applications that were pursued.

May you experience being spiritually fed and refreshed. May the lesson plans draw you closer to Christ.

Lee Ann

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