12.14.12 I Want What He Wants

     Jesus got my attention in this prayer to His Father right before He was crucified. In it, he shares what He wants for us as believers: 

     My prayer is not for them (the disciples) alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message (that’s you and me), that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you … May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.  (John 17:20-23 NIV) 

     Here’s what inspires me: Complete unity among all believers is achievable! I firmly believe that Jesus would not have expressed this prayer if complete unity were not possible. Unity is an attribute He wants to see in all believers, whether that be two believers joined in marriage, or a small group bible study, or a large congregation. 

     Imagine what it would be like if every believer woke up each morning seeking unity with God. When I wake in the morning, I like to start talking to Him immediately. I’m like a child who wakes and goes looking for her Mother to cuddle and just talk away. But what if I snuggle up with God and let Him speak to me? I can picture all of us quiet before Him as our starting point, allowing the Spirit to recalibrate our hearts with the focus of our Father and Jesus, who are in complete unity. Then all other prayers would flow from this unity with a triune God. 

     Imagine what it would be like if every Christian couple had Christ at the center of their lives. Each couple would pray together and seeking God’s will for their marriage. If every Christian couple put God first, their lives would shine before a lost world. They would only make decisions led by the Spirit because God brings them into complete unity with His will. 

     Imagine what it would be like if every pastor of every Christian Church would lead their congregations to become a true house of prayer. God honors those who seek Him with their heart, mind, soul, and spirit. Can you picture a congregation gathered for the sole purpose of hearing God’s voice through prayer? Jesus promises to be wherever two or more are gathered in His name. 

     I’m not sure what complete unity looks like, but I am willing to start a conversation moving toward that goal. One clue is found in v.23. If believers are in complete unity with the Father, the world will take notice and see that God sent Jesus. Then the world would recognize that we are Christ followers loved by God. 

     How do you lead a group of believers toward complete unity with God? I think the foundation has to be prayer. How can we hear His voice unless we come before Him in silence and listen to what He has to share with us? I have proposed to lead our Sunday School class in a prayer time that is separate from Sunday morning. The purpose of our time together will be to hear God’s voice and listen for an emerging theme. Each woman will be given index cards. After leading them through segments of guided prayer, I will ask each person to record anonymously whatever comes repeatedly to their mind on their index cards. 

     What might show up on their cards? Maybe a phrase keeps coming to mind or a verse that gets triggered through our time together. Maybe it’s a song that has a message that God wants us to hear. Or a number that has meaning. Or it’s a heavy burden that doesn’t go away. Maybe a picture comes to mind. Who knows?! I will collect the cards at the end of our prayer time, scan them and email them to class members immediately. Each woman will be asked to individually and prayerfully discern the theme that shows where God wants us to focus. When we come together again, we will process the results. I think it will be exciting to try. I believe God will honor our genuine attempt to seek His will for our group. 

     I cast this vision to our class last Sunday, and 85% were very positive about doing this, so we are moving forward to set the date for either Dec 29th or Jan 5th, , whichever date the majority can attend.  I am thrilled! In the meantime I am excited that Jesus wants me to experience complete unity with Him just as He experiences it with the Father. I want what He wants – complete unity. I am going to start praying in agreement with Jesus. “Lord, help me to be one with you just as you and the Father are one.” 

     Do you believe complete unity among the body of Christ is achievable? Does that feel over the top? Unrealistic? As you can see, I am just starting to process this. I think I have much to learn regarding what complete unity really looks like. What do you think complete unity looks like? Are you willing to go on this journey with me?

Blessings,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Lee Ann


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2 thoughts on “12.14.12 I Want What He Wants

    • Thank you so much for your encouragement, Jonathan. I am going with high expectancy that God will show up in a special way and speak to our hearts as a SS class.

      Lee Ann

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