4.19.13 Ready…Set…START!

     Do you have a vision that keeps resurfacing in your mind, but you can’t bring yourself to move toward it? Do you regularly dismiss it because it seems too overwhelming? Do you rationalize by telling yourself that no one will take interest in your vision? You may have a ministry you want to start, or a business you want to begin, or a book you want to write. If your vision serves others, then it’s time to nurture it. 

     Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” I believe when we’re walking closely with God, He plants His vision in our hearts to serve His purposes. Every time a vision bubbles up in our mind, I believe God is trying to nudge us toward it. If He’s in it, He will help us accomplish His vision. But what is it going to take to move forward? 

     The answer is START. Have we considered what’s at stake if we don’t? As Christians, many of us yearn to know what God’s purpose is for our lives. What if the vision we keep suppressing in our minds represents the overarching purpose He chose for us to advance His kingdom? Many of us are doing “good deeds” on a day to day basis for God, but His vision has a way of weaving together our life experiences, talents, skills, and spiritual gifts He’s given us. What a shame to miss out on what He’s trying to help us achieve! 

     Here’s my story. I believe God gave me a vision of “living giving” in 2007. It began as a simple prayer, and then it grew into a financial vision with the Parable of the Talents as its basis. This parable conveys the truth that God expects us to make the most of the financial resources He entrusts to us. I have an amount I believe He’s called me to give that I can achieve during my lifetime with the help of compounding. I want to write a book about the variety of ways He wants me to give as a way to inspire others. The title Only One Life to Give is etched in my heart. I wake up every morning saying, “I have only one life to give, so go give.” It’s not only financial anymore. It’s the many ways I can give of my time and skills to the people who are in my life. 

     But I fight Resistance. We are all familiar with fear, self-doubt, procrastination, distraction, and perfectionism. We create excuses telling ourselves the vision is out of reach. I battle negative self-talk. “Lee Ann, you’re not a writer,” I say. “You have no business trying to attempt a book.” Or I convince myself that no one will be interested in what I want to share, so why bother? This vision is so ingrained in my heart that the only way to conquer Resistance is to start. I no longer get in my own way with excuses. I am trusting God who has planted this vision within me, and He’s waiting for me to risk with Him. He will guide me. He has equipped me for the task. I need to start

     So I have. I bought the domain name for my book title. The pages of the website will correspond to the ways I’m called to give. My blog will be a page. I enjoy ministering to others through writing. Another way I give is teaching the Word of God. I see a Resource page for all of the Sunday School lessons I’ve taught. (The women in my bible study group get my lesson plan and any commentary notes every week.) I picture teaching through a webex format to help others in their spiritual journey. This feature will be called “The Bible without Borders.” People can log in from their homes and see one another through our video cameras while learning God’s Word. I have met with a web designer. I know where to turn to develop a logo. 

     I believe God is in this and will show me how to embrace His vision. I activated it when I made the decision to START. It has energy because I shifted from neutral to drive. I have no idea how long it will take for this vision to materialize, but I am excited that God will lead me to accomplish it. 

     What is your vision? What is one baby step you can take this week to move toward it? Trust God to lead you. He wants to. Ready…Set…START!  

Blessings,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Lee Ann


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4 thoughts on “4.19.13 Ready…Set…START!

  1. How exciting, Lee Ann! I don’t have a vision “yet,” but I surely do admire your drive (as in transmission!)

  2. Oh Lee Ann, what a powerful and encouraging message. Just this weekend I was approached with something and I know it has to do with my vision, but I am sitting here with fear for the unknown. I opened my bible today and was hit with this verse: Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know”
    How awesome is God when I sit asking Him to speak to me about this opportunity, and worried where it will go or how and then God speaks through this verse and again through you. It makes me cry. So yes, Lee Ann, start and do not stop – you are a powerhouse for God in so many ways. He is using you in a mighty way.

    • Dear Ro:
      I am so encouraged to know that God can use this blog to confirm what God is already doing in your life. May you continue to press into Him, let Him show you “great and mighty things” for His glory. I look forward to hearing how He’s leading you in your new venture. God bless you, Ro!

      Lee Ann

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