4.19.09 My Goal for Blogging

The reason you are seeing me on Wordpress is because I desire to share my spiritual journey with Christ so that God can use these reflections to bless and encourage others.   I, like many, have taken the plunge to join others who want to stay more connected with their family and friends via Facebook, and I have journaled these reflections to family and friends, but they are the only ones who can read it.  This is frustrating to me, so I have created this account for anyone who wants to follow my life journey and how Christ makes a difference in my life without having to join Facebook.  Because we are biblically mandated to connect with others, I think it is worthy to try blogging through WordPress.  Because technology has advanced our way of connecting with others, I am “test driving” this to see if the Lord wants to use my writings with a wider audience. 

One of my spiritual growth steps to which I am committed is to develop a deeper, more intimate love relationship with God through Christ Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.  What I have observed is that how I do my relationship with friends is pretty indicative as to how I do my relationship with God.  I can spend a lot of time with God and people and still maintain a surface level of interaction.  I probably have a masters degree in “Speaking in Formulas”, e.g. “Hi, how are you? Fine, thank you.”  I have honed the skill of keeping things surface except with a handful of people I really trust.  Accordingly, the easy thing for me to do is to just report the facts of what is happening in my life, e.g.  “my cats are trying to leave hairballs” and then describe the hairball launch sequence in detail and how I try to get the cats to leave their “gift” in a less conspicuous place while they are still in the hacking stage.  Instead I want to share the emotional side of life circumstances and events, and more importantly, the spiritual side of them.  So, Wordpress is going to be my venue to change how I connect with you.  Thus, the goal is to use my blog to express my spiritual journey and how God is showing up in my life through the events and happenings that I will share. 

Having just shared the above, I am not expecting that everyone who reads these reflections will be interested in this level of sharing.  Trust me, I understand.  I have no idea if the Lord wants to use this or not, but the only way to know is to risk with Him and see what happens.  The downside risk for me is that by sharing my spiritual journey with you, some of you may label me as trying to be “holier than thou”, which is not the case at all.  If I am truly honest in my writings, you will see struggles along with joys just like the rest of you.  The upside risk for me is that God can use today’s technology and what I share to have an eternal impact on those who read it.  Accordingly, I will be transferring  all of my writings from Facebook to WordPress so that they are available here. If it draws you closer to God, then something powerful has happened and you have been blessed, which is ultimately what I desire for you.  If I can be of help in your journey, please feel free to comment on my writings and ask questions.


Lee Ann


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