5.3.11 Why I’m Here

The countdown has begun.  As of last Sunday, I am two weeks away from starting a brand new Sunday School class for women.  It will mainly be single women as well as women whose husbands won’t accompany them to church.  What happens on that first day of class matters.  May 15th will represent either a brand new chapter at Riverbend, my home church, or it will signal an end to my 18-month tenure there.

That may sound drastic, but I have always had a strong understanding of my purpose and the spiritual gift God gave me.  I was a senior in high school when my mentor, Hal Haralson of First Baptist Church  Austin, saw my potential as a teacher.  When Hal asked me to teach a girls junior high class,  I was quite reluctant at first.  Hal saw something in me that I could not see in myself.  Nevertheless, I decided to go for it.  The worst thing that could happen was that I taught for a semester, and if I didn’t enjoy it, or the girls and I weren’t connecting well, then I could say “I tried it”.  Not only did I enjoy teaching, but the rapport with the girls was strong, and I fell in love with teaching!

I continued to teach the junior high class while I was in college.  When I graduated, Hal decided that I was ready to teach the College Sunday School class.  Again, I was resistant because I didn’t think I would have any credibility being fresh out of college and teaching students who were basically my peers.   Hal was already teaching this class, so he invited me to co-teach with him.  That sounded safe enough, so I tried it.  I was Hal’s co-pilot for three months before he transitioned this class to me.  What can I say?  I loved every minute of it, and my peers appreciated what I had to offer.

I have taught for 30 years.  There have been many Sunday School classes, cell groups, and topical studies that I have led, and what excites me about this role is seeing lives being transformed as a work in progress.  I feel great joy and feel privileged knowing that God can use me to facilitate spiritual growth in another.  I desire to make a difference in someone else’s life, and teaching is the arena God allows me to do this.  None of us have arrived, but we are learners together as we apply the truths of Scripture in our relationships wherever we are.  I believe with all of my heart that my ability to teach is a gift from God, and it is His will for me to use it.  For 30 years God has shown me through the affirmations of those who have sat under my teaching that this is why I’m here.   Teaching is a passion, and I continue to find ways to sharpen my skills on a regular basis.  I tried to audit a preaching and teaching class at Austin Seminary, but they didn’t admit any auditors.  However, I found the course syllabus online including the books for the class and the reading schedule.  I studied independently reading the books according to the weekly assignments.  I especially loved the book Preaching and Teaching, by Warren Wiersbe, which taught me the importance of mastering metaphors.

You can imagine the depth of disappointment I will feel if this class doesn’t develop and no women show up.  However, at a higher level, I will understand that a sovereign God must have another place in mind for me to teach, and my job is to keep “going” until I discover where He really wants me.  (See my last post “Go Until You Hear No” to appreciate my need to keep “going”.)  On the other hand, if this class  takes off, you can imagine the thrill of seeing God’s hand in allowing me a permanent teaching ministry where my teaching gift can be used for His glory.  I already have a rough outline of what I will teach and look forward to building incarnational community among women. 

I would be blessed if you would commit to pray in agreement with me that the Lord will fill this class with many women.  Please pray that I will always be yielded to the power of the Holy Spirit who faithfully leads me into His Truth and to communicate God’s Word in an engaging and effective way that draws people to Jesus Christ.  I am looking forward to May 15th with great anticipation of what God is up to in my life.  Teaching is why I’m here.  The question is where.


Lee Ann


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18 thoughts on “5.3.11 Why I’m Here

  1. Lee Ann,
    I share your passion in teaching. I know personally that we gain so much insight during preparation. I do also feel that as Believers we can have “seasons” wher God will work through us in a particular passion of ministry and then provide us promptings that we should be challenged to move out of our comfort zone; try something new. I will commit to pray for you over the next upcoming days. All of us should be concerned about where we can be the most effective in our role of Kingdom work. We know successful evangelism is when God uses us to remove barriers that seekers have had that is preventing them to connect with Christ. We have a role, but it is God Himself that does the work. In a similar way, it is God’s soverign character at work that will determine if teaching this particular class will be the best fit for you at this time. It is always exciting to see God “show up” in our ministry; see His hand of blessing direct our paths. Your life has always modeled to others what it means to search after God’s Heart, and I’m sure He will continue to show you His will, whether teaching this class or something new. Because He has gifted you for teaching, and you have seen fruit and have a level of joy in teaching, the question is about “where” He opens the door for teaching. That is a place of excitement to be in!

    “God, I pray that you confirm in Lee Ann’s heart, where she would best be serving these days. Thank you for answering this request. We boldly ask this In Jesus Name.”. AMEN

    • Cavin,
      Thank you so much for your thoughts on this. I totally trust His sovereignty in choosing where I should be. Thanks for your commitment to pray for me!

      Lee Ann

  2. I will pray for you. But I am glad that one of your other callings is financial. I seem to be doing well under your guidance in that area. LeeAnn, I am now dating a man who might be husband material. Do you have info or guidance about writing prenups?
    Blessings on you & your new class, wish I was there,
    Mary Foutz

    • Good Morning, Mary:
      Thanks so much for your commitment to pray for me! There is a genuine excitement as to the possibilities that await me. I will do some research for you on the prenup question. I am introducing some clients today to an estate planning attorney, and I will have a chance to ask him your question.

      Lee Ann

  3. Rian Harkins commented on your note “5.3.11 “Why I’m Here””.
    Rian wrote: “Will be praying for you in this new opportunity to serve Him. Will be anticipating what God does.”

    Thanks so much, Rian! I covet your prayers.

    Lee Ann

  4. Sandy Lounsberry commented on your note “5.3.11 “Why I’m Here”

    Sandy wrote: Loved your last two blogs and your honesty to create this group of women and the truth of your passion and God’s guidance. I am praying for you and the women God has to attend. I also pray for patience because the beginning is slow and takes time for others to join. That has been my experience with new groups at RB. But as they hear and learn more will come. Thanks for taking on this role with our women!


    • Sandy,
      I SO appreciate your encouragement, your prayers, and your shared desire to see this grow. I do realize it is a process and can be slow, so let’s pray that God gives us a clear signal on the 15th that there is interest!!

      Lee Ann

  5. Tomi Ann Foust wrote: Best of luck to you—I can’t imagine you not having anyone show up! Silly that you would even put that thought in the air! You’re like a magnet.

    Tomi Ann Foust

    • Good Morning, Tomi:

      You are most gracious in your description of me! It’s hard to imagine in a 5,000 member-church that no one would come on a Sunday morning, but you just never know what God is really up to. I am praying positively!


      Lee Ann

  6. Hi Lee Ann,

    Your comments are so encouraging, I really enjoy reading your blogs.

    Good luck with your new bible class.

    Very best wishes….

    Lisa Benzinger

  7. Lisa Bentzinger wrote: Hi Lee Ann,

    I just finished reading your latest blog “Why I’m Here” and want to wish you the very best with your new bible study class.

    Your words are encouraging and I’ll bet you are a wonderful teacher!

  8. thanks for giving us the opportunity to pray.
    what hour will this class occur?
    to God be the glory for your good works.

  9. Dave Sampson wrote: —Hi Lee Ann,
    I will be praying for your class to be a great success. I can’t imagine this class not being successful as long as there is plenty of publicity in your church. May the Lord bless you in this teaching commitment. I have confidence in your ability and liked the historical information you sent in this blog.

    Have a blessed day,


  10. Linda Dill commented on your note “Why I’m Here”:

    I can’t wait to hear that you don’t have enough chairs in your Sunday School room on May 15th!!! Dinner was fun last night. Linda

  11. Lee Ann,

    Thank you so much for being faithful to blogging about you experiences walking with the Lord. Your faith is inspiring and a great encouragement.

    I too have been gifted as a teacher and I am currently pursuing opportunities to implement that gift in my church and local small group community. However, I feel like I’m lacking in knowledge and understanding as it pertains to using my gift. Could you point me to resources I can look into, such as books like you mentioned in your post?

    I will add my prayers for God’s will to be shown whatever the outcome.


  12. Hi, Tim:
    I am thrilled to hear that teaching is how you’re gifted! I will definitely pray for you as you begin to develop your gift. If I could only point you to one book that really helped me from a practical level to engage the listening audience and honor the principles of how adults learn, I would point you to Communicating for Change by Andy Stanley. I love his preaching style and how he draws us in as listeners. What he shares in his book explains how he is so effective as he preaches and teaches. (There is a co-author on this book, but I can’t think of the name right off the bat.) I will look on my shelf and gather some more titles, but this book helped me the most. I also would recommend the Wiersbe book I mentioned in this post.

    Lee Ann

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