2.26.17 I Peter 2:4-10

Download Lesson: 2.26.17 Class Notes – I Peter 2.4-10


It is important that we, as God’s priests, maintain our separated position in this world. We must not be isolated, because the world needs our influence and witness; but we must not permit the world to infect us or change us. Separation is not isolation; it is contact without contamination.

2.19.17 I Peter 2:1-3

Download Lesson: 2.19.17 Class Notes – I Peter 2.1-3


What steps do you need to take that will facilitate your spiritual growth? Do we need to rid ourselves of malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander? Do we need to crave His Word more? Do we need to come to Him more often? Do we need to offer spiritual sacrifices? Do we need to trust Him more? Do we need to declare His praises? These are all significant spiritual steps Peter suggested to his discouraged Christians scattered in northern Asia Minor. Let’s listen to what the Spirit tells each of us and obey His direction. He wants to see us grow spiritually!

2.5.17 I Peter 1:15-16

Download Lesson: 2.5.17 Class Notes – I Peter 1.15-16


God’s holiness is an essential part of His nature. “God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). Any holiness that we have in character and conduct must be derived from Him. Basically, to be sanctified means to be “set apart for God’s exclusive use and pleasure.” It involves separation from that which is unclean and complete devotion to God (2 Cor. 6:14–7:1). We are to be holy “in all manner of conversation [behavior],” so that everything we do reflects the holiness of God. If something cannot be done to the glory of God, then we can be sure it must be out of the will of God.

1.22.17 I Peter 1:14

Download Lesson: 1.22.17 Class Notes – I Peter 1.14


Salvation is a gift from the Lord, and it comes with responsibilities. The Spirit is always leading and guiding us to right thinking and proper behavior. This week we learned that we are not to conform to the evil desires we had when we lived in ignorance. God has given us all the tools we need to deal with temptation and the ability to take captive the thoughts that are not from Him.