8.21.16 Hebrews 12:2-3

Download Lesson: 8.21.16 Class Notes – Heb 12.2-3


I have suggested that all of us can run the race that’s been set before us by following the instructions of these writers. I trust that the Holy Spirit is tapping each of us by showing us where we can keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, who endured the cross for the “joy set before Him.”

8.14.16 Hebrews 12:1

Download Lesson: 8.14.16 Class Notes – Heb 12.1


I have suggested that all of us can run the race that’s been set before us by following the instructions of these writers. I trust that the Holy Spirit is tapping each of us by showing us where we can run our race more effectively and with less hindrances and entanglements.

7.31.16 Hebrews 11:30-40

Download Lesson: 7.31.16 Class Notes Heb 11.30-40


God has provided us with many examples of faithful followers. Not only are they our examples for us to grow in our faith, but many of us have family members who have been wonderful heroes of the faith. Will we be considered a hero of the faith when we’re long gone? Let’s be an example now, so that our future generations can look back on our own lives and be inspired.