6.13.14 Let’s Bless Someone Today

Are you looking for an opportunity to financially bless someone today? If so, let me suggest a dear group of people who need support: single parents. Who comes to mind when you read “single parents?” Maybe your neighbors or your colleagues or your family and friends? Maybe you?   I sympathize for single parents trying […]

5.30.14 Three Reasons Why We Should Give to the Poor

Recently I was sitting at a traffic light when I noticed an underprivileged woman on the corner holding a sign that read, “Anything helps. God Bless.” Because I was out of granola bars, I reached for a dollar in my wallet. When I rolled down my window, she flashed a smile of appreciation. As I […]

5.16.14 Life Insurance for Infants?

Talking about life insurance is like putting lipstick on a pig. How attractive can it really be? Take the parachutes off your back and stay with me! I have always believed in utilizing insurance to protect family from catastrophic events such as a premature death, disability, or long term care. But I bet the majority […]

5.2.14 Imagine Giving Over $2,000,000 While Alive

I want you to dream about changing your world financially, beginning with your family. I want to tap your desire to make a difference in the lives of your loved ones, for you to fully understand your ability to make a powerful financial impact in your lifetime, long before you die, through living giving. If […]