11.8.20 Malachi 1

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We are priests through Christ, and we too are to bring “spiritual sacrifices” to Him (1 Peter 2:5). What are these sacrifices? Our bodies (Rom. 12:1–2); our offerings (Phil. 4:14–18); praise (Heb. 13:15); good works (Heb. 13:16); souls we have won to Christ (Rom. 15:16). Are we bringing Him our best—or only what is convenient for us?

10.25.20 Luke 24:13-35

Download Lesson: 10.25.20 Class Notes – Luke 24.13-35


These discouraged, disappointed men thought that Jesus was dead and gone, when in fact He was the one walking and talking with them as they trudged along that dusty road. He was near to them even though they did not recognize Him at first. When you are disappointed and discouraged, you may think that the Lord is a million miles away. But if you are one of His flock, even though you are being faithless and do not see Him, He is there with you. He has promised, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you” (Heb. 13:5).

10.18.20 Luke 24:1-12

Download Lesson: 10.18.20 Class Notes – Luke 24.1-12


The resurrection of Jesus Christ affirms to us that He is indeed the Son of God, just as He claimed to be (Rom. 1:4). It also proves that His sacrifice for sin has been accepted and that the work of salvation is completed (Rom. 4:24–25). Those who trust Him can “walk in newness of life” because He is alive and imparts His power to them (Rom. 6:4; Gal. 2:20). Our Lord’s resurrection also declares to us that He is the Judge who will come one day and judge the world (Acts 17:30–31).

10.11.20 Luke 23:44-56

Download Lesson: 10.11.20 Class Notes – Luke 23.44-56


Jesus’ final words from the cross, a quotation from Psalm 31:5, expressed his faith, his relationship to God, and his insistence that death and the cross did not represent the last word. Death led only to paradise, to protection in God’s hands, to the kingdom. If death led Jesus safely into God’s hands, does it not do the same for all who trust in Jesus?

10.4.20 Luke 23:26-43

Download Lesson: 10.4.20 Class Notes – Luke 23.26-43


The point of Christ’s suffering on the cross was that He bore God’s dreadful judgment that we deserved, thus satisfying His wrath for us. If Christ crucified is your Savior, you will escape the day of God’s wrath on sinners. As Paul triumphantly puts it, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 8:1) Let’s share this good news with those who are spiritually lost!