8.23.20 Luke 22:7-23

Download Lesson: 8.23.20 Class Notes – Luke 22.7-23


Passover celebrated the old covenant ratified on Sinai (Exod. 19–24). The Lord’s Supper celebrates the new covenant of Jeremiah 31:31 written on the hearts of the people rather than on tablets of stone. As blood sacrifices sealed the old covenant (Exod. 24), so Christ’s blood would seal and ratify the new covenant. We are invited to celebrate the Lord’s Supper and look back to Jesus’s personal atonement for us by shedding his blood on the cross.

8.16.20 Luke 22:1-6

Download Lesson: 8.16.20 Class Notes – Luke 22.1-6


We learn a couple of truths based on today’s study. The world does not operate on the rules of justice and fairness, because people are evil and are subject to control by the power of evil. Greed leads people to evil acts. Our part is to make sure we don’t become vessels for the Enemy that would cause us to betray Jesus in our personal lives.

8.9.20 Luke 21:20-37

Download Lesson: 8.9.20 Class Notes – Luke 21.20-37


“Watch!” does not mean to stand around looking for signs. It means, “Be awake! Be alert! Don’t get caught unprepared!” This admonition carries a warning for us today, because it is so easy for us to “get weighted down” with the cares of this life and the temptations of the world and the flesh.

8.2.20 Luke 21:5-19

Download Lesson: 8.2.20 Class Notes – Luke 21.5-19


Remember, the things Jesus described here are not signs of His soon return, because they have been going on for centuries. However, as the coming of the Lord draws near, these things will multiply and intensify. No matter what our views may be of the coming of the Lord, we all need to heed His three admonitions: “Don’t be deceived! Don’t be afraid! Don’t worry!”