1.6.19 Luke 6:29-31

Download Lesson: 1.6.19 Class Notes – Luke 6.29-31

LOOK: Think of God in His incessant giving. Giving His sun and His rain; giving to the Church and the miser, the thankless and heartless, equally as to the loving and prayerful. Our Master is our great model. We are to always give love and help to the thankless and needy world.

12.16.18 Luke 6:27b-28

Download Lesson: 12.16.18 Class Notes – Luke 6.27b-28

LOOK: How should we treat our enemies? We must love them, do them good, and pray for them. Hatred only breeds more hatred, “for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires” (James 1:20). This cannot be done in our own strength, but it can be done through the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5; Gal. 5:22–23).

12.9.18 Luke 6:24-27a

Download Lesson: 12.9.18 Class Notes – Luke 6.24-27a

LOOK: The four “woes” all share a common truth: you take what you want from life and you pay for it. If you want immediate wealth, fullness, laughter, and popularity, you can get it; but there is a price to pay: that is all you will get. Jesus did not say that these things were wrong. He said that being satisfied with them is its own judgment.

12.2.18 Luke 6:22-23

Download Lesson: 12.2.18 Class Notes – Luke 6.22-23

LOOK: How can we rejoice when men attack us? By remembering that it is a privilege to suffer for His sake (Phil. 3:10). When they treat us the way they treated Him, it is evidence that we are starting to live as He lived, and that is a compliment. All of the saints of the ages were treated this way, so we are in good company!

11.25.18 Luke 6:20-21

Download Lesson: 11.25.18 Class Notes – Luke 6.20-21


Jesus was not teaching that poverty, hunger, persecution, and tears were blessings in themselves. If that were true, He would never have done all He did to alleviate the sufferings of others. Rather, Jesus was describing the inner attitudes we must have if we are to experience the blessedness of the Christian life. We should certainly do what we can to help others in a material way (James 2:15–17; 1 John 3:16–18), but we must remember that no amount of “things” can substitute for a personal relationship with God.